Chapter 5 - By the dockside

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After a long week ashore heeling his injuries Horatio had found out about his father’s illness, Horatio had been staying at his uncle’s, Horatio’s uncle is an horse trainer.

Horatio had a horse called Fire, Fire was a chesnut coloured thoroughbred in which he rode around the town and country on.

“Uncle, may I go to Plymouth this morning on Fire?” asked Horatio.

“You may but be back before nightfall, I need to change your dressings.” His uncle replied.

“Aye, aye sir” he answered with a sarcastic smile.


As Horatio rode out on Fire, he remembered the wind in the rigging of the Indefatigable and he missed the fresh sea air.

He galloped across the meadows going towards Plymouth he so longed to be aboard his ship again.

Firstly he went to see his father who lived on the outskirts of Plymouth.


“Hello Mrs jones” said Horatio to the girl who opened the door.

“Hello Sir, your father is going to die very soon sir I am so sorry sir.” She informed Horatio.

The surprised look on Horatio’s face told it all, the girl led him up to his dying father.

“Horatio” said his father.

“Yes” answered Hornblower.

“I have not long left but I need to tell you something before I go”

“Yes what is it?”

“how do I say this, mmmm, I am not your real father and neither was your mother your real one, when you were three we adopted you one day you will find your father but I am not that man” and with one final gasp of breath Horatio’s father died there and then.

Horatio was ashamed of the news and left the house and rode into the town of Plymouth.


Horatio rode down to the Plymouth docks where a lot of ships boats were loading supplies he sat upon Fire, his horse and stared at the docks and the ships that were docked there and one he knew well ‘ the Indefatigable’ his ship was still there and docked.

As he looked along the dock he noticed the men from his own division and his two best friends were stood there in charge of the loading.

He then noticed a sailor he knew well looking at him riding over towards them, it was Styles and he told Mr Kennedy and Mr Bush.

“Sir?” he asked, the two leiuftennants swung round to see there frien and officer sitting upon a horse.

“Hello Styles” answered Horatio.

“Horatio what are you doing here?” asked Kennedy.

“I came here about some family business.” Said Horatio.

“Horatio, we went to your father’s house and a woman called Mrs jones answered the door she said you had disappeared after your father told you something, she said you would be at your uncle’s. we were bringing your sea chest you see. Captain Pellew is at the admiralty at the moment and he has given a couple of us shore leave until you can return to your duties.” Explained Bush.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2012 ⏰

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