chapter 2

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Y/n pov
Harry read the letter about what we need to have for our first year at Hogwarts " first-year students will require 3 plain black work robes, one wand, one pair of dragon hide gloves, hagrid do they mean from a real dragon." "But they don't mean a penguin do they oh I would like a dragon." "You would like a dragon""fascinating little beasts vastly misunderstood" I would have to agree with hagrid dragons are fascinating beasts as we got off the train to an area I did not know of in London hurry continue to read the letter" old students must be equipped with one standard size 2 pewter cauldron and and may bring it if desired are there an owl cat or toad." Y/n says " can we find all this in London"then hagrid says"if you know where to go" hagrid takes us to a place with a black door and no sign people laughing and giggling inside the person behind the bar says "ahh hagrid the usual I presume" hagird looks at him and says"no thanks Tom I'm on official Hogwarts business just helping young Harry and y/n buy their school supplies." "Bless my soul its Harry Potter and y/n Bloomington," how much time can you spare a moment why did he call me Bloomington"everyone stops and looks at us. Some came up to us and shook are hand. then we met professor quill our defense against the dark arts teacher. "Hagird why do all those people know our name" harry said "and why did one of them called me Bloomington." I said "professor Dumbledore will tell you all about it when I get to school but for now let's just get ur  supplies" he takes his umbrella and taps brick wall 6 then the brick start to move out of the way into a door shaped form"welcome to diagon Alley"it was so pretty so many people so many stores"here's where you can chew or quills and ink and over there it's where you get your haircut" then me and Harry look in the window to see of broom children were talking about it. Looked really fun to ride I wonder what they use it for."the hagrid how we supposed to pay for all this we havent any money" "well you money is in gringotts wizard bank it is the safest place for it other then Hogwarts of course." we walk inside there's these little men walking around taking care of the bank people everywhere"hagrid what exactly all these things""they are goblins Harry clever as they come goblins but not the most friendly. " We walk up to the head goblin hagird says Mr potter and miss Bloomington would like to make a withdraw" he stands up and says and do they have there keys." Hagrid pulls them out and says " he they are here some where  oh and there something else professor Dumbledore gave this to me it's about you know what in vault you know which." After we got everything we went to get our stuff after we got everything we only needed one thing lefthave you told us to go to ollivanders for our wands  he said he had to do something. We walk in Harry says "hello" and Alexander says "I was wondering when you two would walk in" he gave us a few wands to try out none of them really worked we took destroying things then grabbed one one specifically 1 Harry. He said to him self " I wonder." A light showing all over him "curious" I asked why It was very curious he said "I remember everyone I've ever sold. It just so happens that the Phoenix who's tail feather reside your wand only gave one other feather. Just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when it brother gave you that scar." Harry looked at  him and asked "and who owned that wand" "we do not speak his name.the wand chooses the wizard mr. Potter it's not clear why but I think it is clear we can expect great things from the both of you after all he who must not be name did great things terrible but great miss Bloomington let's see what would fit you I wonder if Ahh,” Ollivander says, eyes glittering with the sparks flying from the tip of the holly wand he’s handed you. “You are, no doubt, on a quest. The wand sees all. Holly wands pick owners who have been given a great and often burdensome task in life. You and  Harry Potter — he wields a holly wand. Whatever your task, this wand will not fail you. Once bound together, a holly wand and its owner are one. Those who hold a holly wand are often among the most loyal, devoted witches and wizards. Whatever this great task is, I wish you luck.”next thing we know hagrid is outside with two owls one was white the other was brown hagird said happy birthday u two. Harry named his hedwig and I named mine Lora.
Time skip
To the train station
"Blimy is that the time sorry harry and y/n but I have to go Dumbledore be wanting his--well he'll be wanting to see me now uh ur train leaves in ten minutes and here are your tickets and stick to it.its very important to stick to your tickets" will you read the tickets and Harry says"platform nine and three-quarters but hagrid there must be a mistake there's no such thing is platform 9 and 3/4 is there" look up and see he's gone disappeared so we start heading down to the platforms 9 and 10 we continue to look look and we stopped to ask one of the helpers and he just laughed at us he walked away we look at one another and we here someone say muggles so we followed them then we see for boys but the same kind of cards that we have to walk through a wall between 9 and 10 we asked the lady" excuse me could you tell me how to-" "how to get on to the platform not to worry it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well now all you two have to do is walk straight up to the wall between 9 and 10 best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." We look at the wall up and down of course Harry goes first then I do and when I walk through I see the train I look up to see the sign that says platform nine and three-quarters please look at one another and smile after we get on the train we put our stuff away and we sit in the same place after a bit ron comes in saying all the other carts are full if he could sit with us.we say yes that's fine. He introduced him self "hi I'm Ron Wesley and you two are." "I'm harry, Harry Potter and this my sister y/n Bloomington."  "Wow is it true you have the scar and you have the different eye color" we look at him and laugh me and Harry move our hair out of the way "wicked" we smile.  After awhile this female comes by and says " has any one seen a toad a boy named Neville lost it" I jump up on the set " eww were oh I hate toads there so nasty ."  Time skip
As we get off the train hagrid was there me and Harry said hello everyone else said wow we made our way to the boats and the we see Hogwarts it was beautiful I was so excited . Professor McGonagall was waiting at the top of the stairs for all of us she says "welcome to Hogwarts.  now in a few moments you will pass thought this door and will join your classmates but before you do you must be sorted into your houses there are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Now while you're here your house will be like your family your triumphs will earn you points any rule-breaking and you will lose points at the end of the year the house with the most points will win the house cup-" "Trevor" I jump as the boy pick up his toad I had Goosebumps. I turn to harry and grab his arm."the sorting ceremony will begin momentarily"as she walks away a boy with white hair and sliver eyes says "it's true then what they was saying on the train Harry Potter  has come to hogwarts.this is crab and gowal and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He walk up to harry. Ron starts to laugh. "You think my names funny do you no need to ask yours red hair and a hand-me-down robe you must be a Wesley (he looks at harry) you will soon find out that some wizarding families are better then others Potter you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sorts.i can help you though."Malfoy hold out his hand harry looks at it then at me then at Malfoy "I think I can tell the wrong sorts for my self thanks" then professor McGonagall taps Malfoy on the shoulder he turns around to look at her. Then he goes back were he was standing but looks at me a smiles first. "We are ready for you now follow me" she says has the walking we say candles floating in the air and the ceiling was the sky it was beautiful. Up front was a stool with an old raggedy hat on it."no for weekend professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words" professor McGonagall said"I have a few starts of term notices I would like to announce to the first use please note but the talks oldest is strictly forbidden to all students also our caretaker mr. Phillips asked me to remind you set the third floor corridor all the right has sounds is out of bounds to anyone that does not wish to die most painful death. thank you."professor McGonagall began to talk again"now when I call your name do a come forth I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your house... Hermione Granger"  then the sorting hat begin to talk has she set the hat on Hermiones head "ahh right then, right ok, Gryffindor." And McGonagall said somebody else's name "Draco Malfoy" before she even sat the hat on draco's head it said "Slytherin" "Susan bones" the hat said " I know Hufflepuff" "Ronald Wesley" "ha another Wesley I know just where to put you ... Gryffindor" "harry Potter" " mm difficult very difficult plenty of courage I see not too bad mind either there's talent and a thirst to prove yourself but we're too put you" harry whispers "not Slytherin" " not Slytherin share you sure you could be great you know it's all in ur head and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness there's no doubt about that no well if your sure better be ... Gryffindor" harry smiles so wide " y/n Bloomington" I walk up there slowly she put the hat on my head " mm another difficult one your very protective very smart and not to selfish but very resourceful I think you would do the best in .... Slytherin" I smiled so wide but I don't know why I want to be with my brother but I think I want to get to know what it is like to be on my own harry has been there for me ever since we was born.there was a seat next to Malfoy he looked at me and smiled and patted the seat next to him I take the seat  he held out his hand  I took it he said " I'm Malfoy Draco Malfoy you was hold on to Potter earlyer why is that" "oh he is my brother" " but how is that possible if you have to different last name and parents" " what do you mean.." ( I don't feel like explaining everything so Malfoy now know everything about you and harry. Your life story) so what do you mean different parents." " Oh wow I'm sorry that happen to you and I mean your parents also died by he who must not be named but they was not Lily and James Potter your parents were irises Bloomington and Leon Bloomington they were the best wizard and witch of all time that makes you a pure bred. They was with he who must not be named for alot of it and then they tryed to go against him to save you from him and he killed them he tryed to kill you and you got away with only him changing the color of your eye to me I think your pretty bad ass." I blush at his comment " thanks for that and for telling me what happened your the only person who would tell me something about it"  then food appeared right in front of our eyesthat was so much food looks so good so we started to dig in. Then ghosts started to appear and as you all know I get scared very easily so of course my first reaction is to grab that thing next to me and that just happened to be Malfoy. He turned to me and smiled then said " fancy me already " I blush and let go." Shut up malfoy" after dinner the head boy he lead us to a moving staircase he let us to a picture of a man and a green and black suit the picture said "password" "cevario" the picture open and the head boy said "gather around here welcome to Slytherin, commodore .boys dormetry upstairs and down to your left and the girls same on the rightyou will find all your belongings have already been brought up.
  Time skip
As we sat in professor mcgonagall's class harry and Ron was still not there professor McGonagall transfigured into a cat and sat on her desk. Harry and Ron come in and think she wasn't there. As I sat right be hind Malfoy he looks at me and smiled. I turn my head to my paper.
Time skip
to my favorite class potions with professor Snape I got there before anybody else did so I sat up front  and then Malfoy came in along with everyone else so he sat next to me.  Then he smiles and and said "do you hate me already." I mean he is quite a mean person and very vexing. But he hasn't done anything to me so why should I be mean. But then the door swings open Snape says "there will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantation in this as such I don't expect many of you to appreciate the the set of science and the exact art of this position making however for those select few who possess the priest disposition I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, ensnare the senses, how to bottle Fame, Brew Glory, and even put a stopper in death, but then again maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts with possession sew-in from edible that you feel confident enough, to not pay attention!"I looked behind me to see Harry writing down every word Snape was saying. Hermione not just his arm to make him stop"Mr potter one of our new celebrities. Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of don't know let's try again where mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezel" " I don't know sir" "and what is the difference between monks wood and wolf bane." " I don't know sir." " Clearly game isn't everything tell me Bloomington do you know" I do "Asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draft of the living Dead. A a bezel is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat that will save you from most poison. as for monks would have wolfbane they are the same plant also goes by the name aconite" he looks at everyone and says" well why aren't you all copying this down. And well done miss Bloomington at least someone study. And Gryffindor note that 5 points will be taken from your house for your classmates cheekness and Slytherin gets 5 points for miss Bloomington knowing answering correctly. Malfoy looked a harry and smiled at his mistake that is it I hate him a lot right now
time skip
It was lunch time then I will start coming in the mail is here everyone got something except me of course Harry Malfoy got something from his mom and dad
Time skip to boom practice
With professor Fitch
"Welcome to your first flying lesson well what are you waiting for everybody step to the left side of the broomstick come on now hurry up take a right hand over the broom and say up" Harry and I say up and goes up straight away along with Malfoy and a few others I did not know the name of. Hermione was very surprised at this then ron hits him in his face Harry started to laugh and so did I,Neville and a few others Ron said "shut up Harry" "now once you've got hold of your broom I want you to mount it grip it tight you don't want to be sliding off the end when I blow my whistle I want you to kick off the ground hard and steady hover for a moment then Lean forward slightly and touch back down on my whistle 3 2 1" level starts to float away everyone start to get is so worried even the teacher said"Mr longbottom Mr longbottom" his broom just started going crazy started flying away Harrisburg went over and then over and that he got caught on a statue his robes started to rip misspelled and there's road starts a trip again and then he fell on the ground the teacher started running up grabbed ahold of him and he started hurting she said"oh dear two broken wrists everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground well I take Mr longbottom to the hospital wing understand if I see a single broom in the air it went riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they say quidditch" Draco picked up Neville's rememberable"did you see his face maybe if the fact love give this squeeze he would have remembered us all on his fat ass" harry stepped up and said "give it here Malfoy" "no think I will leave it somewhere for him to find"  " give it back" Malfoy I say  "or what" then he started to fly away but I said "your going to get hurt" "how about I hind it on the roof. What's the matter a bit be on ur reach" " harry you can't do it with out me" hermione said " no way you to are going to get in trouble besides you don't even know how how to fly. Me and him go to Malfoy and the he throws it harry goes after it. I stay to tell at him "Malfoy what the hell is wrong with you if I was I guy I would kick your ass." " Really r you sure don't want to kiss me instead." I blush and fly back down and there comes harry with the rememberable in his hand. Everyone was so happy they run up to him then professor McGonagall came out and said"harry Potter follow me"
Time skip
"Harry  I'm so happy for you but me and  Hermione found something." "Harry your dad was the seeker"

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