The Watchmen

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In pairs their black feathered watchmen, discipline the deviants of our society. So magnificent are these thick necked beasts, that they strike fear in every living thing that they cross paths with, except for us. The watchmen flew in a methodical rotation so that they did not mingle with our kind. Whenever they are alerted of a disturbance they galiantly fly through wind, rain, and scorching heat to discipline the deviant responsible for it. Like Eagles they are fierce, but rather than representing freedom, they are harbingers of doom, punishment, and misery. They are trained and designed to be as vicious as vultures, and as cunning as a Margay. So much so that when the deviant hides they will mimic the cries of a baby to lure him or her out. In this society there is no slap on the wrist, not even for the smallest infractions. 

Ahmad knew the consequences, but his situation was dire, and he was getting desperate. He had to try, either way they were after him, so he made the fatal decision to cross into the land of the forbidden. He was the leader of the resistance, humanity was under Draconian control for eons, Humans were sick of being enslaved and wanted freedom. The only thing is, the watchmen had not caught him yet, though they were hot on his trail.

Ahmad started to walk when he saw the border, and as he was crossing into the forbidden land, the watchmen were alerted of a disturbance at the border. Thinking he was free, Ahmad began to appreciate his surroundings. He was surrounded by luscious greenery, with fruits and vegetables of different kinds. Most magnificent were the sugar maples oozing a clear like sap. Seeing this sight, Ahmad walked closer to this cluster of sugar maples. He kneeled. He inched closer. Closing his eyes, he tilted his head and smelled the sap. Liking the aroma, he decided to lick it. The taste is heavenly and ambrosial. He moaned with pleasure, and licked the sap oozing out of all the sugar maples. Unknowingly, he trespassed into the Draconian holy garden, and defiled their most sacred deity. Thinking that he found a bountiful place where they could all live happily free, he made his second fatal mistake. For there was a way out; if only he had explored the garden some more, he would be reunited with the part of humanity that was not enslaved. Like the many before him, he fell victim to his humanity, feeling the intense need to share his discovery, he decided to go back and inform his family and the resistance about its presence.

Unfortunately the watchmen could do nothing, for they were programmed to not cross the border. While they were waiting WR-1 and WR-2 heard a rustle coming from the thicket of pine trees. "Did you hear that? Someone is approaching us" WR-1 said. In an angry tone WR-2 replied, "Yes I think that this is the disturbance. I'm going to call for backup" Kraw! Kraaw! Kraaaww! Kraaaaww! Kraaaaaww! Kraaaaaaaaaaawwww! He even began to call his enemy faction. Caw, Caw, Caw, Caw, Caaaaaw. Crossing the border is a heavy crime, so they needed all the agents of discipline that they could get, his punishment was going to be especially brutal. Ahmad was attracted to WR-2's call, he thought that it was so melodic and beautiful, so much so that from deep within he felt a sort of carnal pleasure. Confused, the army of watchmen caught him in a state of sexual pleasure. At first they were put off by his illicit advances. But the job had to be done, so they pushed on, despite all the moans that he was emitting. He moaned the most when they bit into a certain body part of his. Sick of his moans of pleasure WR-1 and WR-2 tore into his body using the bowie knives mounted just underneath their eyes to tear into his father's flesh. They cut him right into him, going through his head straight to his toes, and let him bleed to death. They called the vultures to feast, too disgusted to do it themselves. Those present were forever changed, either their hatred for these creatures intensified, or a love for them blossomed.

Motivated by his father's behavior WR-1 and WR-2 dedicated their lives to watching Adam, thinking that one day he may become like his father. They made themselves visible only to him, so much so, that he was driven to insanity.

This is how we met. Adam and I were both admitted to Willard Asylum for the Chronically Insane. I was his assigned mentor -the psychiatrists argued that mentoring would help us be more sociable once we re-enter the world of the civilised. He was quiet at first, not a sound ever came out of him. But after a while, I coaxed him out of his shell and got him talking. Sadly, he's too drugged up to see them anymore. But I did. I saw them watching him once more. These wicked, yet clever creatures would not leave him anymore. Their presence, revived in me a need, I had long forgotten. I thirsted for their blood, just imagining crushing their bones, takes me to a higher plane.

When we first entered the asylum they gave us a notebook to express our thoughts. I had never used mine until I met Adam. I wrote down whatever I could get from him, sometimes I would even write down what he says in his sleep. After being released on good behavior, I wanted his story to be known, so I started to write a book to commemorate Adam's life. I organized them into records.


ps. this is unedited 

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