Jungle run

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And finally I got a view of his face.....

After all the suspense that had been created , I headed to attend my classes
with my mind filled with a lot of questions...

While on my way to classes I felt like someone was following me.... I could see someone's shadow ,then I looked behind all of a sudden , but no one was present!!

But I had seen a shadow for sure ,as the area where I live in is mostly full of tree's, it's a very easy place to hide ,so there's a possibility that some one might be there...

When I came a little close to my classes I felt that someone was literally following , so again I looked behind and guess whatt... I saw the girl who had jumped from my window this morning!!!

She shouted


I turned back , I was all scared as she was following me the whole way!!!

She was a little injured I suppose , with a lot of wounds... seemed like she fell somewhere and looked very hungry, wearing old torn clothes with face full of dirt , she was looking at me as if she was asking me for help....

As she was a mile away from me I started stepping towards her... ,the road on which I was walking was all empty but suddenly... there came a car which crashed with the pole nearby in no time and as I turned backwards to look at the accident and turned again , the girl was no where.....

I ran towards the way where that girl was standing...

A few minutes later I was a little close to my house and......!!!!
I saw the guy who was in my sister's room last night JAYSON....,I identified him because he was wearing the same shoes as yesterday that is the yellow one andddd he was  with that girl ,he was taking her with him into the jungle...

Actually not taking he was forcing her to go with him pulling her ,the girl was not ready to go with him ,she was all cry ,she tried to stop him by crying and yelling but.....

Then gathering all my guts together... I shouted .....

"Hey you "

And finally I got a view of his face after 15 hoursss of suspense and thinking !!!!!

Seriouslyyyyy not a bad choiceee ....
Tall and fair ,with brown eyes wearing a grey hoodie ,hair all spiked up , with a little beard on his face with dark pants and the yellow nike shoes ....

Then I questioned..

"Where are you taking that girl and why are you forcing her .!!??"

Looking at me he started running with that girl with all fear as if he was doing something wrong and he ran into the jungle ,I also started running behind him and entered the forest, there were so many ways into the forest and they both disappeared but as it was a jungle and all quiet I could hear them walking on the dry leaves I tried to follow themm....

And now I had a catch with them,I went behind them hiding all the way, suddenly on the way there was this big tree which was having a house of woods on it... Basically it was a tree house which I had never ever seen before !!!!!!

As I was following them ,I was being followed by some one again and within no time that person hit me hard on my head... that I fainted there and then !!

The next moment when I got up I was in my room surrounded by my parents and sister.... And I knew nothing about what happened to me in the jungle after the hit...

When I asked my parent's

"How did I reach here ,who bought me here ??"

My mom replied actually yelled at me,

"The cops bought you here , as we were searching you all over and we were so tensed about were have you gone ....."
"Are you alright and how's the pain now .."
"We searched for you all day and what the hell were you doing in the jungle...!! And why did you not attend your classes ...?!! Now you are not allowed go outside with out anyone's company from three of us .. you understand !!"

And now I was caged in my own house .!!!!
I did not know who hit me ....and what happened to that girl and what was that guy Jayson doing with herr...!!
And how did that girl know my name..?!

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