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Dear parents
I am sorry that I am a daughter that hides depression,I am sorry that I don't have better grades that my grades keep dropping and I am so sorry that you have to deal with me.

Dear siblings

I am sorry that I am not a good big sister that I want to die and not be in your life and I am so sorry that we won't be able to have does special memories together.

Dear friends

I am sorry that I am not as happy as I seem that I fake a smile,I am sorry that y'all guys had to put up with me even though I was a burden.

Dear self

I am sorry that you not happy that you fake a smile to every one so that you won't be a burden. I am sorry that people expect you to be happy but you sad all the time.I am sorry that you have to going though the pain of making every one happy while you suffering in pain.

I am sorry that I am suicidal


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