Chapter two.

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                            Alejandro pov.
Coming to the club on a saturday isn't really what I planned to do, but boss was really persistent for me to watch over it while he was gone.
I'm glad I came today cause if I didn't I wouldn't have seen this gorgeous girl right infront of me, why not approach her? "Hey pretty lady"
I say as I sit next to her, she doesn't answer me which is very confusing because everyone around this area knows who I am, "shy?"
I ask "hey here's your coke"
oh ezras working a saturday shift?
"Want anything Ale?"
"nah i'm good ezra thanks for asking"
I turn my attention back to the girl who was now just nonchalantly sipping on her coke "you gonna talk?"
I ask her "hey"
she says in a very quiet voice I almost didn't hear her "What's your name darling?"
"i'm alejandro but you can call me ale"
I say not to make it awkward again. I could immediately tell she didn't belong here, she looked to innocent to be in a place like this. "beautiful name for a beautiful girl"
"ok" ok? what the fuck.

Azalea pov.
I don't know what to say right now he's making me nervous, I feel really bad
"im sorry you're just making me nervous" he looked a little lost then I think he finally processed what I said
"no problem baby" baby? Im not a child why is he calling me baby? "I'm not a child"
I really wanna know why he called me baby "what?"
he asked "why did you call me baby?"

Alejandro pov.
"Why did you call me baby?"
I'm so confused right now. She really is innocent, I don't think she should be in here anyone could just take advantage of her. "Don't think to much about it mi amore, how about you let me drop you home or somewhere where you feel safe?"
she really doesn't have much to say. I stand up and say goodbye to Ezra and Azalea walks up to him behind the bar and gives him a big kiss on the cheek, I was shocked to say the least, but after only talking to this girl for 20 mins, I wouldn't put it past her to kiss a stranger. We make it outside to my car and she starts screaming
"oh my God you have a freaking tesla?"
I looked at her puzzled and answered "yes, model x"
"can I sit in the drivers seat cause I know these drive themselves"
I don't think I can let a random girl drive my car "no-" she cut me off "pretty please Ale"
oh when she says it like that I really can't say no can I? She's so cute "ok baby, but be careful ok?"
"okay Ale" she comes to the drivers side and before she gets in she gives me a kiss on the cheek, her lips are so soft.
"Where do you live?" She gives a weird look then tells me her address and looks straight ahead, she has a very pretty side profile a nice straight up turnt nose and rosy cheeks like a permanent blush.
"Are you just gonna stare at me or are we going to leave?"
She asks me taking me out of my trance I get a little flustered after being caught undressing her with my eyes
"Sorry" I say as I put her address in.

new plot and everything, i missed y'all tho

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