I'll give you better- Jack Avery

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your pov
*three months later*
It's been three months and nothing has been the same. I can't sleep, eat, and I only go out when I have too. When I left Jack, I never knew that my entire life would change. I mean, I knew it would change, I just didn't know that it would be for the worst. Jack was my best friend and first love. I'm aware that he didn't treat me right and I know I shouldn't go back, but it's like I can't function without him.
Now, I have my own house and a great job at a beauty parlor. Those are the only two things I cherish in my life. My parents have now moved out to Los Angelos to keep an eye on my health. Clearly, not doing a good job because I have have been dropping pounds for what seems like every minute. I was once the average weight for my weight and size. Now, I am far below the average weight. I've always struggled with that and Jack helped me become healthy once again. Without him, it' s hard to stay what I once before.
The boys and I still keep in contact and try to meet up once in a while but sneaking around Jack was hard for them to keep up with. Soon, the boys were tour and I was left alone in a huge city. Once the boys got back, I met up with Jonah over coffee to talk about how everything was and how the guys were.
I walked into the small coffee shop that Jonah has found previous days before planning our 'meeting' as he called it. Jonah explained that he simply wanted to catch up after being apart for so long. Some part of me assumed that this had something to do with Jack and I hoped that part of me was wrong.
I ordered two coffees so when Jonah comes he doesn't have to waste time ordering and we can start right away. Soon after I take my seat in a small booth, I see Jonah's tall figure walk into the small shop. He soon notices me in the back and starts to head towards me.
"Hey Y/N! How have you been?" He asked leaning down to give me a hug.
"I've been good. I already ordered your coffee, but how was tour?" I smiled.
"Oh, thanks! Tour was great. Meeting all of our fans, the endless pranks on each other, and so much more. I wish you would have been able to go." He said with his smile quickly fading. "I mean I know you couldn't because of Jack but it would have been nice to have my best friend there."
"Jonah, I know you and the guys want everything to go back to how they were before the breakup but it isn't always that simple. Jack made a choice to do what he did. Am I still made about it? Hell yeah. Do I still love him? Yes but not for what he did in the last three months of our relationship." I took a breath wipe away the tears that were moments from running down my cheeks. "I love him for who he was before; when I first met him. Is it fair to him to be unhealthy and depressed over me leaving him? Hell no it's not. But it also wasn't fair to me when he would stay out till who knows when doing who knows what."
"Hear me out Y/N. Call him, get closure from it just so both of you can learn to let go." Jonah looked at me with an 'are you okay with that?" expression. "I'm not asking for a coffee date every Tuesday with him, it's just a phone call."
I hesitated at first. Just the thought of talking to him for the first time in three months frightened me. But Jonah was right; I needed closure. Everyone did at this point. "Fine, I'll call him." I agreed.
"Yes! Thank you, Y/N/N." He praised.
"You're welcome I guess." I laughed. "So what's life like at the compact without me?"
"Oh gosh, nobody functions without you there. Zach killed our toaster." Jonah paused as I busted out a loud laugh. "Three times." He states bluntly.
I continued to laugh loudly earning a couple stares from people scattered around the cafe. "I don't think that's because of me not being there, Zach just can't work a toaster properly." I giggled once I calmed myself down.
Jonah's phone interrupted my laughing with its loud ringing. He quickly answered it with a soft "hello?".
I waited patiently until the call was over. "Okay, I'll be there soon. Bye." he frowned once he hung up. "So that was David and he wants all the guys back at the compound for a shoot." he explained.
"Oh okay. It's okay you can go. We can meet up again." I smiled. I stood up and collected my things along with Jonah. "Maybe next week?" I asked.
"Definitely!" Jonah agreed. he embraced me in his arms and hugged me. I wrapped my short arms around his torso and snuggled into his chest. After a little while, I pulled away."Alright, I'll see you then. Love you Y/N/N!" He said as he walked towards the door.
"Bye Jo! Love you too!" I exclaimed lightly waving my hand in his direction. I sat back down and pulled up his contact. "too soon." I whispered to myself as I turned off my phone.
end of flashback
I never deleted his contact and I was hoping he didn't delete mine either. After contemplating whether or not I should call him, I finally worked up enough courage to press the phone icon on his contact. The line started to ring and my heart rate suddenly picked up. Why am I so nervous to talk to him?
After a couple rings, a voice from the other line spoke. "Hello?" It was Jack.
"Hey Jack." I managed to get out.
"Y/N? Hey, how have you been?" He seemed surprised. I couldn't blame him. Neither of us were expecting this phone call today.
"I'm not going to lie to you, Jack. I'm doing terrible without you. I haven't been eating, sleeping, and I'm just not the same. I know why I left and I know it was supposed to be for the best but turns out I can't function without you around me. I can't stand not being able to talk to you every day and waking up next to you every morning." I confessed.
"Woah Y/N listen, I know we both made mistakes then. I know that we both deeply regret them. I completely understand what you're going through because I've been going through the same thing. Can I come over so we can talk about this more face to face?"
"Yes of course. I'll text you my address." I smiled.
"I'll be over in 20 minutes. See you then." And with that, we both hung up.
I pulled out my phone and texted Jack my address. What was I going to do about my house?? I looked a mess and my house did too. I quickly threw on a sweatshirt that hid my small figure and started to pick up the best I could.
About fifteen minutes later my house looked presentable. As for me, I just threw my hair into a messy bun and decided to text Jonah. I pulled up his contact and began to type.
Me: Hey, I did what you told me
I waited a couple minutes for him to respond when there was a sudden buzz against my leg. I jumped but soon realized it was Jonah texting me back.
Lamppost: You called him?
Me: Yeah, he's on his way over right now
Lamppost: That's where he took my car!
Me: Ha, I'm kinda nervous
Lamppost: Everything is going to be alright, just let things take their course
Me: Thanks Jo
Lamppost: You're welcome bubs, anytime
After I pressed the 'send' button, there was a knock at the door. I set my phone down on the coffee table in front of me and got up to walk to the door. My steps were slow as the knocking got softer.
Soon enough I was in front of the door. My shaky hand reached for the doorknob and twisted it. I opened the door and there stood a messy-haired Jack with bloodshot eyes. "Hey Jack." I greeted quietly. "Come in, please." I moved out of the doorway making a small path for him to walk in.
Jack's tall figure moved past me a stood in the living room waiting for me to turn around and follow. I closed the door and walked up to him. His hands found the back of my head and he pulled me closer to him. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. They moved perfectly in sync with each other.
At that moment it was as if the broken pieces of my heart fused back together. Jack really was the glue that held me together. But I couldn't let him come back into my life so easily. I pulled away quickly and pushed his hands away from me.
"Why'd you do it?" I bluntly asked. Jack stayed silent. "If you think it's easy to come back into my life and want to stay in it then you need to tell me why you did what you did."
"Y/N, I was stupid and in a really bad place. My life just wasn't where I wanted it to be. You of all people should know that when I'm upset, I won't tell anyone; I'll just make really bad decisions." He took a deep breath and continued. "The night I came home and you weren't awake, you looked so peaceful and beautiful. I layed down next to you and kissed your forehead." He choked back tears but let one fall.
I stepped forward and rested my hand on the side of his face. "I had never seen anything so beautiful. I felt so disgusted with my self. I promised myself that that was the last night. But Logan convinced me that the party the next night was worth going to but that night I came back, you broke up with me. It was like my entire world came crashing down all because I was selfish." He finished.
"Jack, you should have came to me. I will always be here for you."  I pulled him in for a hug.
"I'm so sorry." He sobbed out into my shoulder. "I know me crying won't change or fix what I did but I just want you to know that I love you Y/N"
"I love you too Jack. I forgive you." I whispered.
"I'm not leaving you, ever again. You deserve so much more and I want to give that to you." Jack leaned down and reconnected our lips once again.

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