Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

          Aunt Lou knew about the whole thing, all because of our pesky neighbor told her. Apparently she was watching me the whole time... Stalker!

I was so disappointed in myself, that I was stupid enough to leave the gate open. I was so upset, so sad. I wondered why my neighbor never came out to tell me I left the gate open. Why she didn't shut it when I left. Why?

The next day I asked Alicia what she thought about the whole thing.

Her response was that God sends Angels to change our life for a reason, and my neighbor could be an Angel. Some help that was.

That night, I laid In my bed thinking about what Alicia said. I never went to church, and never believed in God. I just never had time to.


          I paid my neighbor a visit. I never really bothered talking with her. I knocked on her door, a casual Sunday morning. The sun was just peaking through the trees of our forest behind our house.

My neighbor cracked open the door. I didn't realize she did, so I was standing on her porch looking at our forest. "Hello, what do you need?" asked the woman. I could only see her eye peeking through the crack of the door.

"Um hi. My name is Lindsay. I live next door to you." I said, finding myself hunched over. I stood up strait and continued. "I was just curious as to who lived here." I forced a smile, It was kinda awkward.

The woman raised her eyebrow and hesitated for a moment. Then she opened the door all the way, showing her full in-style outfit. She had a pink pastel skirt, with a white long sleeved shirt tucked in. She had white sandals with a beaded flower sewed on.

"Please come in!" she said. I stepped in, and looked around. I took mental pictures of her place and stored them in my mind. Her house was perfectly clean, her walls a light creamy yellow. She had hard wood floors, not a spec of dirt anywhere.

"You must not have children" I said, then in surprise, I cupped my mouth realizing I had just said that.

She chuckled, then sighed."Would you like a cup of tea? I have some in a kettle on the stove." Her offer was nice, but I have never tried tea, and never planned to.

Just then I realized I had a pretty boring life. "No thanks, I honestly just wanted to say hi." I admitted.

"Oh. Okay." She replied. I looked around her house. She had plain walls. She had no pictures of family, or any drawings on her fridge.

"Do you need any help?" I asked. She looked at me, puzzled. "Like moving any heavy things, or something like that?"

"Well now that you've asked that, I do. How much time you got?"

"All day!" I replied, excited to snoop around her house some more.

"The work takes place upstairs." She said, Motioning her hand to follow. We walked up her clean stairs, and down her spotless hallway. I looked for any pictures of family or friends but had no luck. We reached another set of stairs and climbed them. We reached to the top where a door was at the end.

"Finally!" I said sweating. We both laughed. "Its pretty messy up here." She said, giving me a "don't judge me" look. I stood there waiting for her to open the door, not knowing what was behind it.

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