His minions

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"He will be back! Barty and I are his loyal followers!" Bellatrix bellowed back into her prison cell.

Five years had passed since the downfall of the dark lord. Most death eater were in prison or hiding from the auors. Bellatrix and Barty were one of the two dangerous wizards besides the dark lord himself.

"We see Bellatrix" A guard told her stoically and she just sneered at him. Barty become more and more insane just like she was.

She was beautiful before but now here being in prison made her shallow but yet still beautiful.

"He come back! You all be sorry and regretful" She chuckles darkly her dark eyes glinting with manic glee.

The guard didn't say anything to her but just ignored her. Pretend that she wasnt here.

"Fine! You be the first one to go! Then I laugh at your misery" She laughed with a crazed manner.

Soon She envisioned Soon enough he come and get you all!!!

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