chapter 1 college

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Y/n point of view

*beep beep beep* I woke up to my alarm. It was only 5:00 am. "Well then." I sigh and look around. I slowly got up from my bed and walked to the closet and pulled out a black hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans. I look to my door to see a small hole in my door. "Guess dad came home drunk while i was asleep." I sighed and dressed myself. I walked over to get my bag. I put the stuff i needed for school this would include deodorant cause of p.e and this week's homework. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and put on idfc by black bear. I put my bag over my shoulder and walked downstairs to find my dad drunk and asleep on the couch. "Tch..why doesn't this shock me." I muttered to myself as I grabbed my house key and I walked out making sure to lock the door behind me. I put my phone in my pocket and walked to school. "Yay another day of "kindergarten"." I said sarcastically as l was making my way to the back of the college as I saw my b/f (bestfriend) walking up to me. "Hehe...what's the depressed look for." I took my earbuds and said "hmm what was that?" I look up to her wanting an answer. "Oh I asked why the depressed look." I look at her and sigh. "We go over this alot im my dad was drunk again." She looked at me sadly. "I know...i know sorry for asking…" b/f said holding their arm. "It's fine.." I said walking away. I walked up to my friends that I usually hang out with. "Well hey y/n." Jackson said. "Oh hey." I smile fakely. "Welp wanna go help daddy in the bathroom~." I paused and thought no...not again. Sean punched Jackson in the face "WHAT THE HELL YOU PERVERT NEXT TIME I WILL CUT YOU DICK OFF I SWEAR!" i sighed and looked at sean in relife "thanks.." I smile at him. He got off of jackson " no problem." He smiled back and blushed a little "ooooo." Mark and Felix coed at the same time "shut up guys it's not like that!" I said tackling Mark and Felix to the ground as Sean struggled to pull me off. I finally let go "jesus y/n chill it was only a joke." Felix rolled his eyes. I didn't speak. I just walked in as soon as the bell rang. I headed to my homeroom as usual Sean,Mark,Felix, and Jackson were in the same homeroom. Well i guess why wouldn't they be. I sat close to the window and put on music as i stared out the window ignoring the lesson "umm y/n." Sean poked my shoulder. "What?" I asked him "shouldn't you pay attention?" I shook my head. "No there isn't a reason to, I mean we all plan to be youtubers except jackson. He is just my camera man. The only point of being here is in case the whole youtube thing doesn't work out." Sean looked at me "yeah i guess-." the teacher interrupted "IS THERE SOMETHING YOU HAVE TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS?!" the teacher yelled. I snapped back "THAT'S IT I CAN'T I'M DONE WITH THIS SHIT!" I pushed my desk over and grabbed my stuff and walked past my friends and to the door. I looked to them "goodbye…'' I muttered with a tear in my eye and started to open the door but then Sean stopped me "WAIT!... I'M NOT STAYING EITHER I'M DONE WITH THIS SCHOOL!" I looked at him and muttered "what the fuck do you think you doing…" He hushed me. "I AM TO!" Mark yelled as I watched Mark and Felix grab their stuff and walk to stand by me and sean as we all walked out "why did you do that… you could have stayed it was my choice.." I looked at them "because we are friends we stick together till the end...that's what friendship is about." Felix said, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah...I guess you're right, you guys wanna spend the night at my place?" They looked at me "how about we got to my place? I think you need room from your family." mark suggested. We all agreed and walked to marks house.

*leh time skip brought by pewdiepie in a twotwo*

We all sat in Mark's Room and I looked at them "so...what y'all want to do?" I questioned them "walk deep into the forest and record a youtube video?" Sean suggested. "Sure!" We all agreed as I grabbed the camera. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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