New Recruit

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6 Months Earlier

I looked down at my watch, 10:00, that villain should be here soon. I looked up from my watch and out at the lake beyond the bridge on which I was standing, a thousand thoughts running through my mind, but I was thinking so much, that I didn't even notice the light footsteps that came up behind me, but I did notice when a somewhat familiar, deep, emotionless voice spoke out of the blue.

"Hey there, birdie, glad to see, you kept our deal." His voice made me jump and quickly turn around, I put my hand over my chest to catch my breath, then glared at him, straight in the eyes, "First of all, don't call me 'birdie' and second, why wouldn't I keep the deal?" I said, crossing my arms, he just shrugged it off and leaned against the railing on the bridge so that we were facing one another, "Oh I don't know, maybe because you're the number two pro hero? And get used to me calling you that, because I'm not stopping any time soon." the male said.

I just rolled my eyes, "some stupid numbers and rankings don't matter to me, I've told you that. I've told the world that." I said plainly, "Oh I know, but there have been a lot of people that have screwed me over, so I don't trust very easily, especially any heroes, let alone, the number 2 pro." He explained quite calmly, I stayed silent, "So tell me again, hero, why exactly do you want to join the League Of Villains?" He asked me.

Now I stood up straight and took a deep breath, then I spoke, "The society is corrupted, I've known that for a long time, and I thought that by becoming a hero I could fix it, but I see now that I was wrong, this world will always be like this, so If I can't fix it as a hero..why not be the cause of it, as a villain?" I said, In the most convincing way, possible, Dabi raised an eyebrow and nodded his head slightly, "Alright then, birdie." He said, turning and starting to walk away.

"Hey! I told you, not to call me that!" I yelled as I stomped off after him, "And I told you, that's not gonna happen." He said, obviously trying to be annoying, not even looking back at me as he spoke, but I only scoffed and kept following him.

After a few minutes of walking, I finally broke the silence between us, "Where are we even going, anyways?" I asked, cautiously, "You'll see." He answered, simply, "Wow, real explanatory.." I mumbled to myself, I didn't think Dabi heard it, but I was obviously wrong, because he responded, "Yep." He said, plainly.

After another few minutes of walking, Dabi finally stopped In front of an old, rusty, and worn-out bar, "Well, here we are, go ahead." He said, opening the door and holding it open for me, I walked inside and what I saw, was much more than I expected, It was actually a quite nice bar, the only bad part that I was expecting though, was the many villains who were In the bar, all just staring at me.

"Welcome to the League Of Villains, birdie." Said Dabi from behind me as he too walked in after me.

"So, Is this that one hero who wanted to join?" Asked a blue-haired male with a lot of hands surrounding him, "Yeah." Responded Dabi, "Hiya, Mr. Birdman! Im Himiko Toga! Glad to have you part of the League!" Said a blonde girl, who immediately came up and hugged me, I felt like my guts were going to explode from my mouth, "That's normal. I'm Spinner by the way, over there with the mask is Compress, smoke guy is Kurogiri, Twice is the ripoff Deadpool but he's in his room at the moment, and at the bar, is our leader, Shigaraki." The lizard guy explained, pointing in different directions as he spoke.

"Uh huh..and who are you, again?" I asked as I turned to the scarred man behind me, "I'm currently going by Dabi." He answered, blankly, as he walked over to the bar, "Well, I assume you already know who I am, It's Hawks, If not." I said, a bit nervously, but trying not to show it, "The number two pro hero, we know." Said Dabi in response, God I felt stupid, and I knew that I was surely going to regret being a double agent sooner than later.

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