Chapter 6: Emilie

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When I wake up on a Wednesday morning the week after, Jack has already brought the girls to the bus stop and left for work, I hear the phone ring.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Emilie. Hi, its me, Charlotte" a familiar voice responds. Charlotte is a fellow teacher at Lincoln High. She and I are in the math department together.

"Hey, Char, " I reply.

"How's your family?" Charlotte asks.

"Everyone is great. The twins are so intuitive and smart, Maddox is making improvements every single day, and Kyson is getting so big. Thanks" I answer. 

"That's great  news. I'm just calling to say hi and that everyone at school is missing you; students and staff", Charlotte says.

"Awe, thats so sweet. I wish I could be back, I miss everyone too" I reply.

Our conversation continues until I hear a rumble coming from upstairs. As I run upstairs with the phone between my ear and my shoulder. Charlotte asks me "hey, what was that?"

"I think its just Maddox. He should be fine though" I answer.

When I get upstairs, I discover that Maddox's room is empty. I search all over the house for him and think that he is nowhere to be found until I hear his laugh in the laundry room.

"What a mischievous little boy, you are" I say as I scoop Maddox up from beneath all of the fallen clothes.

"Is he alright?" Charlotte asks.

"Yeah, he's fine. He just loves to play in the laundry, which he really shouldn't" I laugh.

"He's so cute. I remember the first time I met him. He was about  the same age as Kyson. How old is Kyson now, 4 months?" Charlotte asks.

"5 months, actually" I answer.

"My how time has flown. By the way, how's Jack?" Charlotte responds.

"He's doing really well. His books are selling like crazy. They are in high demand", I answer proudly.

"Is he working on anything new?" Charlotte asks.

"Oh, yeah. A bunch of things. Its getting harder and harder to keep up with his creativity. I just pray that he isn't overworking himself" I answer.

"Don't worry about him, hun. He's a hard-working man who can get through anything. He will never be given a load that he is not strong enough to bear. He'll get through it" Charlotte assures me.

"Thanks. I worry about him sometimes" I respond.

"You have nothing to worry about. You are the luckiest woman in the whole world. You have a successful career, 4 beautiful kids and a husband who works equally hard and loves you more than anything. Everything is looking up for you, Em" Charlotte reassured me.

"Thanks, Char" I laughed.

As we continued to talk and I made Maddox is breakfast, I heard Kyson stirring.

"Hey, I've gotta go. But this was a really good talk, I can't thank you enough" I said.

"No problem. if you need anything, anything at all, don't be afraid to send me an email or call" Charlotte said.

"I will. Thanks. Bye" I say as we hung up.

As Charlotte hangs up, I can't help but feel that something is wrong with Jack. Our bond is so strong that I can feel it within my soul that


Around noon, Jack calls me. He is sobbing hysterically. I'm right about him overworking himself.

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