Choices boyxboy

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AN: I am going to come back to edit because there are LOADS of spaces between the lines D:, but i don't have time right now...but i will BE BACK!


Chapter One

“Are you sure we should be doing this?” Jake asked me as he nervously raked his fingers through his tasselled hair. I gave him a hard look in response.

“If I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t be doing this, would I?” I retorted, trying to bite back a list of profanities that would only make the tension worse than it already was. I didn’t need him getting anymore paranoid.

“What if someone see’s?” He grimaced and wrung his fingers together. I sighed, he was acting far from the calm person he said he would be if I allowed him to come, and now I knew I had definitely made a mistake by bringing him with me.  If my plan was to smoothly get this task done quickly, by the looks of things, my plan was going to result as a massive fail. I was only here because Jake needed his grades to be change and 'by here’ I meant Mr. Parkers office. The plan was to hack into the school’s student files and change most of Jake’s failed grades.

I hoped it wouldn’t take too long. I took a side look at Jake. I didn't think he'd last much longer without fainting and then where would I be? Dragging his lifeless body back home.

He was slowing everything down… Why the hell had I allowed him to come? I'm an idiot sometimes. I grunted and looked at Jake wishing he would miraculously disappear.

 “Jake,” I immediately snapped, wanting- more like needing- him to pay attention to me. “Just calm down will you?” I mumbled, as he frantically looked around. I grabbed his arm and he automatically cringed back. A light pink tinge flushed his cheeks so I let go of his arm as he pulled it back and held it in a protective stance.

He always got flustered when I touched him.

“Look around all you want, there’s no one here.” I sighed loudly and motioned to the empty room.

“Go and look out for people around the corner if you’re so worried.” I muttered, returning my fingers to the keyboard as I confidently entered the password into the schools security system. I'd hacked the schools computer system enough times to know Mr.Parkers passwords were always simple minded, like himself.

The speakers buzzed and a message appeared in the middle of the screen.

Welcome Paavo Parker.

Relief filled me knowing that at least the hard part was over. It would be plain sailing from now on, hopefully.

I clicked the name with a smirk on my face.  His name was Paavo? I held back a laugh. You had to be kidding me. This was turning out better than expected, now I had blackmail material for future incidents.

And I also I had access to everything I desired.  

My eyes raked over the computer screen searching for Jakes name amongst the rest of his classmates.

“Jake.” I whispered. He appeared from around the corner, his face much paler than before. Maybe sending him out the room alone wasn’t such a good idea.

“What?” He said barely audible.

“Time?” I questioned just to keep his mind active.

He fished out his phone from inside his jeans pocket. The light blinded me for a moment, enough light to realise his hands were shaking badly as he clicked the lock.

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