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Since last night, Zoella and Alfie was face-timing each other. They both fell asleep and, the FaceTime was still on. All night, all you could hear is, Alfie snoring and, Zoella was moving her head left to right. It was 10:30, in the morning. Zoella woke up first, she realised that the FaceTime was on, by hearing Alfie snoring. She looked at her phone and, saw Alfie sleeping. Zoella, was whispering to Alfie through her phone a lot but, he was in a deep dream. I wonder what dream..... Finally, Zoella gave up because, she had no energy in the morning and yelled out, "ALFIE WAKE UP" Alfie immediately, woke up and, saw Zoella. The first thing Alfie asked is, "when did you FaceTime me and, how did I answer?" Zoella started laughing and, replied, "we must of fell asleep, while we was on FaceTime last night." "OMG, LOL. Anyways, how are you babes?? What are you thinking to do today??" Alfie asked. Zoella rubbed her nose and answered saying, "Well I was thinking, you to come to my house and let's make breakfast and, we can do something else after. Well, that's if you're not busy." "Of course I will come, I will be never busy if you need me babes."Zoella's thinking, ugh how cute is he! "Kk, bye babes let me get dressed then we will make breakfast at your house ok? I will, be there in 15min ok bye xx Alfie said. They, ended the FaceTime. Zoella, got out of bed and, went to the bathroom and washed her hands and face, then brushed her straight teeth. She tried, to look the best for Alfie... Owooo!!! Also her make up, she put pink lip liner.

Zoella heard a knock on her door......
I wander who it is???......Zoella shouted out, "Alfie" and hugged and kissed him on the cheek! "Babes how are you?" And hugged her back. Alfie, just come in and we will make breakfast. Alfie and Zoella, walked inside the kitchen and asked each other, "what should we make?" Zoella said, "I know pancakes!" "Yeah!" They, first started cracking the eggs in the pan. Alfie, cracked one egg on Zoella's head and started laughing. "Alfie!! That's not funny, now I have to wash my hair again!! Zoella, grabbed THREE eggs and cracked it on Alfie's head. "See, I got revenge!! "Zoella!! you got three eggs not even one or two THREE!" So they just carried on, whilst they was cracking up laughing. They, both but chocolate and strawberry whipped cream! YUMMY!!!! They was both, so hungry. They stuffed the pancakes in their mouth. "Zoella!! You have chocolate all over your mouth" Both laughs. "So do you"

When they had finished their pancakes, they started washing up. Alfie, got water and throw water on Zoella's face. Both, started playing with each other like a baby. Alfie, sat down on the sofa and Zoella ran and jumped on his lap and, watched a romantic film together eating popcorn.....


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