The last brownie

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You, me, and the last brownie in the batch.  We reach in at the same time causing an awkward hand collision.  Both of us raise our head to look at the other.  You look back down at the brownie with a slow lip bite only to make eye contact once more.  I say, "yo that's all you dawg," so you reach back in for the brownie.  As you slide the tasty morsel into your mouth, you notice me struggling to find something in my pocket. "Did you forget something?" You ask, while licking the brownie crumbs off your fingers.  Quickly jerking the hand out of my pants, I rearrange the beanie on my head and reply with a stuttered "yea" that was nearly inaudible.  You make a weird face as I slowly pretend to gain interest in the wall right next to me. All of a sudden... BOOM CLAK*CLAK* the person next to me drops to the floor.  In walks a goth girl holding a concussion launcher.  SHAIHOLEYFUAHSNDHJS, woah, "who are you!"
"I am your intergalactic goth girlfriend sent here to string bean these glorp glorp seeds in your ass."

Pt 2 coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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