chapter 1

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"OH MY GOD!!" shrieked Lindsey, pointing her perfectly manicured nails across the hall.  Everyone turned their head towards the girl walking down the corridor, who was desperately trying to not get noticed. Too late for that she thought, wrapping her arms around herself. Laughter erupted around her; she looked around to see students clutching their stomachs gasping for air. She tried to walk but her knees felt like jelly, and would give out any second. Their cackles followed her down the hallway making her tighten the grip her old textbooks, baby steps mum had said to her.

Before she knew it she was being shoved to the floor, her textbooks and glasses flying out of her hands. She looked up and saw a shockedLindsey towering over her. Then it hit her. Her chocolate brown hair had uncovered her face, displaying the scars and pain it hid behind it. The hall went silent, whispers and harsh murmurs went around, causing her cheeks to turn a crimson red. Students ran away from her, and others just made disgusted faces at her. She collected her things and walked over to class, allowing the tears to rush out of her eyes.  

A worksheet was handed out, and Lindsey, who sat on the other side of her made no effort in making a paper plane out of it, to throw at her. Michelle ignored her, knowing making paper planes was the only thing Lindsey could do right. 

For most the sound of the bell ringing would translate to sweet, sweet freedom. Not For Michele though. Sitting next to the bell meant at being deaf for the whole day. She had finally gotten hold of her tears, but still got dirties by her fellow students. She swung her bag over her shoulder and made her way to the teachers desk.                                                                                  

"Excuse me" she said to Mrs Julia who was to busy making consecutive, red crosses on students sheet.                              

"Excuse me" she said again a bit louder. Her eyes stayed glued to the paper but she angled her head in a 'I'm listening manner'  

"Yes Michelle, what can I do for you?" she smiled brightly            

"Errm I just wanted to ask if I could change seats? Away from the bell". Mrs Julia looked thoughtful for a moment studying the classroom as if for the first time                                                      

"I'll let you know tomorrow okay" she said, placing another sheet on her desk. Taking that as a hint to get out, she walked towards her locker. 

Michelle shoved her books in her locker, lost in thought. Just as she was about to close the door, a pair of bony fingers wrapped around her wrist muffling her scream. The last thing she saw was a make up bag before she was dragged away. She was in what she assumed were the toilets, as the smell brought nothing but distaste to her mouth. Her eyes were blindfolded and her hands tied behind her back. What seemed like after half an hour the blind fold was removed from her eyes. Her vision was blurry, but as her sight came into focus she saw Lindsey and her little posse giggling and pointing at her. She looked in the mirror and she couldn't breath for a moment. The injured side of her face was gone, replaced by another face drawn on with make up. A whimper escaped her mouth which made Lindsey cackle louder, they looked at her one last time before walking out, slamming the door behind them. Rivers of tears escaped her blue eyes as she tried to wash of the make up. Her back hit the wall, sliding down it  she sobbed into her hands. The pain piercing through her heart.

  Making sure her face was covered, she made her way back home. A group of students walked by and stopped in their trucks as they saw her. The howled in laughter and pulled at their skin, to show their skin melting. Her head hurt and everything was going blurry, anger was the emotion stirring up inside of her.                                             

"LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE YOU JERKS!"  she screamed in their faces, which made them shut up. "calm the hell down, girl" one of them sneered before storming of.

 Being different is what makes a person. But now being different only brought pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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