The OS..

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A long, long, really long one shot to make up for the wait you guys had to bear due to my accident!

Started writing this OS in February 2019 and finally after almost 1 and a half year, i am able to complete and publish it. 🤭

Published the half of it few months back but lost it later on due to Wattpad glitches. Now, i have typed the whole thing all over again and presenting to you guys as an OS.

Hope you guys will enjoy it 🎊

Word count: 6200 words🎉🎉

Adjusting her saree's already-set pallu on her shoulder once again, she tucked a fringe of hairs behind her ear and shifted on her feet uncomfortably, trying her best to ignore the burning, intense gaze which was drilling holes in her whole body. Since the moment, she had entered in Shantivan, his eyes were following her like a search light, watching and counting her ever move and step. Wherever she had walked, whomever she had talked with, the chocolate brown orbs had followed her without failing, with a soul stirring emotion in them. She had even forget the count, of how many times both of them had caught each other, turning around and stealing glances of one another.

To say her heart was racing would be an understatement. The blood-pumping organ seemed to have a mind of it's own today. It had been thumping wildly against her rib-cage so frantically that she feared it would break out any moment. She had felt it all. The striking beating of her crazy heart and the killer stare of his eyes. It was like, as if her whole body was set on fire. Her body hair had stood up straight, since the very second, he had set his eyes on her this evening. She had felt like he was undressing her with his eyes only, making love with her and eating her live with his devilish gaze on her. Despite of being dressed modestly, she was feeling completely naked in front of his eyes. Goosebumps hadn't left her in peace for a second too.


A tap on shoulder followed by a sweet voice snapped her out of her reverie. She was startled for a second but immediately composed herself and looked back to find Anjali-ji smiling at her softly. Upon meeting her eyes, she wiggled her brows and asked. "Where are you lost, pretty lady?"

In your brother!

"Uh--no-nothing Anjali-ji. I am here only. You tell?" Khushi stuttered nervously, as she again took a glance of him from the corner of her eyes, in the context of caressing her hairs.

"Hey Bhagwan! What has happened to both of you? There, Chotte is all lost and flustered and here you.." She shook her head, smiling and continued. "Anyways, come on. Nani-ji is calling you. It's time for a family pic. Diwali can't be complete without it now, can it?" Anjali-ji giggled, with her eyes shining with the happiness of festivity.

Khushi shook her head instantly, looking at her friend cum sister, with unsure eyes. "But Anjali-ji, it's a family picture. How can I be--"

"Oh please Khushi-ji." Anjali-ji interrupted her. "Don't act so formally. You are like a family member only."

"But Anjali-ji, it won't look good na." Khushi tried to protest.

"Khushi-ji, if Nani-ji gets to know this than she will be really hurt and about me, I am already hurt with this reluctance of yours. You can't separate yourself from us. You are our family. One or other lame excuses can't change the fact. And now, please come otherwise Chotte will swallow me alive. Only I know, how difficult it was to convince him to stand and pose for this picture." Anjali-ji grimaced, pouting in the end.

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