Ohne Titel Teil 1

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It's the time of the year when it's cold again, when the days are short. All go back home again to meet their family and I - yeah I go back to you.

The only time in the year I can see you, you're never near during the year. My family greets you like you're part of it and in a way you are. But not really. You smile at me and hug me like the sister you never had, not knowing you make my heart burn. It hurts to know that to you I'm just your sister and not more. But I laugh it away and enjoy the little time we have. I couldn't ask for more than the platonic love you give me, just like to any other family member.

I can't believe you don't hear my racing heart when we touch. But you seem to be too far away to notice. Time flies by and my eyelids get heavy. I lay my head on your shoulder as my vision turns black. I sleep better than ever 'cause I'm by your side.

I feel that I'm being moved but I can't open my eyes. The sleep doesn't let go of me as I feel your legs under my back. A soft sensation in my face - you brush my hair away. Oh, if you only knew what it means to me. Your hand cups my cheek and I believe to hear you whisper something. What was it? "I wish you loved me"? I softly lean into your hand and hear a soft sigh before I'm getting pulled back into a deep, refreshing sleep.

Christmas: The holiday of love - and heartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now