Acne tip

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Im going to let you guys in on a little secret. The absolute BEST thing to use to clear up your acne. I use it my mom uses it a whole bunch of people at the salon my mom gets her hair done at use it. The absolute best thing to use on your face for acne is Dead Sea salt. Don't go into your cabinet at home and whip out the sea salt and rubbing it in your face though. You have to make sure to buy DEAD SEA salt. This sea salt is from the Dead Sea. All you have to do is buy Dead Sea salt and put a tablespoon or less in your hand. Drizzle a very small amount of water on it and rub your hands together. Don't rub it on your face. Just gently pat it on there. Let it sit for about one minute you may feel a tingling feeling in your face that is normal. Gently splash your face with water. Do not rub the salt on your face. When your done dab your face with a towel

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