Contemporary Times

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Long time after the medieval era, the Contemporary times arrive. The Magnis Imperii, having established itself in all continents but the Glacies, is now the only major nation of the world and has established a decree to hunt down certain mystical creatures and magic users, saying that they are opposers of the Phoenix, the glorious empress who shall live forever, for having a power that only she could have.

Only few users persist, but they have joined in a called "Holy Rain" resistance against the Magnis Imperii, established in the Glacies continent itself and growing every day as more rebels join the cause.

In either case, Magnis Imperii isn't fighting only the Holy Rain, but several other rebellions that have grown as the tyranny of the Phoenix becomes more evident. A more detailed description of those events can be found below.


Rebel Factions:

Holy Rain - "As the holy rain falls over the lands, the flames of the fire bird shall be extinguished to never again rise from the ashes" is the quote that was said by one of the first leaders of the resistance and is carried on by the later members, even to this day. They are strong in number, but their resources are scarce and they are usually more worried about surviving in the cold weather of the Glacies rather than actively oppose the empress. However, the opposite is not true, Magnis Imperii is trying hard to fight the Holy Rain, but the mountain chain and their lack of practice in glacial temperatures puts them in a big disadvantage every time they try to land troops on Glacies.

Last Blood - Descendants of the Roseblood Empire imperial family, there were those humans that believe in the restoration of their old empire, in the old rose with thorns that punctured through the skin of its enemies. They are lacking in number, but this also gives them a certain versatility, as they are hard to track by the Magnis Imperii. Among those who have joined them is a few of the last Lapis species, tempted by the offer to get their continent back if the rebellion is successful, and some of the noblest families of the old Roseblood Empire, that were ruined after the advance of the Magnis Imperii.

Nightmare End - Maybe the only rebellion which can actively oppose the Magnis Imperii, Nightmare End is the one rebellion faction has managed to protect the Somnium continent the most. The mystical creatures, joined together under the command of the Somnium species, have been strategically coordinating the attacks to stop any reinforcements of the Magnis Imperii, making it almost impossible for the bases that the Magnis Imperii have already established to resist for long. They are just waiting for the golden opportunity to destroy their base. their numbers haven't grown a lot, however, due to their prejudice against humans, not allowing any of them to join their cause.

In the end, the Magnis Imperii holds a advantage because there isn't a lot of cohesion between the major rebellion factions. Somnium look with disdain at the other two, formed by humans, Last Blood is afraid of having to share a lot of the "after-fall" spoils if they grow too much or work together with the other rebels and Holy Rain is still very worried with its survival first, not with actual opposition, which further seem to disappoint the other two factions.

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