Chapter 6

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Michael's POV

"So you haven't slept in over a year?" I asked her.

"No silly, It's been longer than that because I was afraid of the bad dreams and his girlfriends would jump me whenever he left me alone and they would encourage him to beat me. I wasn't allowed to sleep in any of the beds there because he said I was worthless, and so I just got chained in a corner when he was done hurting me."

"He had you chained up? Like with an actual chain?"

   "Yeah, it was attached to the wall in the corner, and he would only take me off the chain so he could hurt me, and when he was done he'd put me back on the chain. I'd fight him but I'm pretty short compared to him and I'm not very strong so it never worked in my favor."

"Did Dr.Cooper swab your finger tips?!" Mary asked. She nodded.  "OK...great. That's very very great", Mary said to her.

"How's that good?" I asked her. "Maybe they can identify his skin cells", Mary said.

"What happens if they find all of them?" she asked. "Well hopefully there will be a trial with a jury and you can help put them away." 

"Like testify?! I can't do that! They'll kill me! They'll find a way to hurt me! The jury probably won't even believe me! I can't! It's not a good idea!" she panicked.

   "It'll be OK, I promise. They won't hurt you and they'll never find you here, this is private property, and I have security guards."

"I can't! What if they try to hurt all of you too because you saved me! And miss Mary is married! It's too risky! Please tell the cops I don't wanna speak anymore!"

   "No, you deserve that piece of mind to know that their locked away, and it's gonna be ok. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

She looked hesitant and worried. I reached my pinkie out to her hoping she'd know what that meant, and she did, she locked her pinkie around mine.

When our pinkies touched I felt something in my tummy. No Mike, you'd better not. Obviously she doesn't want a relationship Mike, and she's too young. I internally fought with myself feeling rather crappy realizing that I like her.

"Were you here all day?" she asked. I nodded. Bill and Mary went into the kitchen most likely to discuss her prescriptions and medications.

"Yes, I was waiting for you to come and eat with me."  "Oh, I'm very sorry."

"It's OK, we can eat together in a few minutes once the chef is finished. I put your lunch in the refrigerator, and I threw away your breakfast because pancakes kinda don't keep well."

"That's OK", she said.  She was very beautiful despite the visible scars on her arms. There was a silence and it took me a few seconds to realize I was staring.

"I have to get a job", she said breaking the silence. "What why?" I asked her.

"So I can have money and be able to stand on my own. I can't just toss myself into your life and stay here forever Michael."

"But your my friend Ally."  "I'm your friend, not a dependency definition on your taxes. I'm technically an adult and I have to get a job so I can have money, a car and a place to live."

"I can give you all of the above!"  "Michael, friends don't do that!"

"Friends like me do."  "Michael I won't feel OK with that, it's just not right. You already probably racked up a hefty doctor's bill today from me.

"Why not Ally?" "Because it's not right." "And who says so?"  She looked defeated before getting an idea. "Society."  "Wrong, society says your supposed to help people."  "You're supposed to help people but not baby them."  "I'm not babying you, I'm helping you."  "Society says your supposed to help people who need help but women aren't supposed to sit on their ass."

"I always thought society wanted men to work and women stay home and raise the kids or both parents co-parent", I said. "It depends on the person."

"Look. I gotta admit, I'm happy that Bill almost hit you last night because you obviously needed my help and I need a friend", I said to her quietly.  "I've never had a friend so maybe you should have Bill attempt to hit someone else, since that's how you find friends", she joked.

I rolled my eyes before laughing. "But you seem really caring, I'm sure if you associated yourself with people you'd find a friend quickly."   "I can find plenty of friends if I wanted, but I want true friends." "You can make true friends."

"No I can't. You don't know but eventually you'll understand. Your the most genuine person I've met in awhile and I pray that you don't change."  "But Michael, I can't just sit here and do nothing. I need to figure out how to be a productive member of society, much like you. Your house is big so you're obviously a very important productive member of society."

"I am, but what did you think about wanting to do?"  "I wanted to be a substance abuse counselor and help people but that's dead. I don't have time, I need a job. I know I won't make a good waitress so maybe that isn't a good idea."  "Maybe we can get you in a school so you can become a substance abuse counselor."

"It's too late for that. I'm 19 now and I haven't been to school in 5 years, I didn't even get to graduate."

"No, we can figure out something and we'll get you to where you wanna be."  "Can I get a job first?"

"We'll see."

"What do you mean we'll see Michael. I'm not trying to be argumentative here but I only have $200 in all ones and soon that's going to run out. You insist on me staying so I've got to buy stuff, like soap and clothes, and stuff for my hair...I can't walk around like this. And friends go out and do things together so I have to have money so we can go do whatever friends do because I'm sure it costs money."

"That's why I'm willing to pay for you!"  "Michael.....You seem very nice but that thinking is problematic, if you think that way often your gonna meet the wrong people and they'll hurt you really badly."

I just raised an eyebrow at her. "Michael I'm for real", she repeated. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"If you listen to yourself, you could hear that you already care about me Ally. That means your genuine, you just gave me advice on trusting people."

"OK, but once I'm all better I'm getting a job Michael."

I sighed. "Why can't you just....stay here?" I asked her. "Because that's improper and I need my own space Michael. I'm really happy that your helping me but I can't just stay here, I'll never know anything."

"So?" I asked her. "So? Michael I am 19 and I don't know how old you are but if I stay here just being your "in house friend" I won't know how to survive. What am I gonna do when you die? How will I know how to upkeep a house? If you die, I'm probably gonna need to leave right away, your family will want your property and this gorgeous home."

"That's an easy fix I can just leave it all to you", I said with a smirk. Her jaw dropped. "No you can't! Michael I don't know how to do anything!"

"I'll teach you."  "But you can't leave. Oh please don't go, I'm so lonely without anyone here."

"So you live here all alone?"  "Yeah."  "You don't have a wife or children? You're good looking and your kind. I'm sure you could find a woman if you tried."

If only she knew I was talking to the woman.

I decided to be honest with her about something.

My heroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora