When it all started..

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"Should I ask him out sky?" I don't know that's all up to you, if you like him ask him but be prepared for the answer! Hello my name is Ireland and as you read you will figure out how my love life is going. That night I went home to snuggle up in a blanket with my favourite pepperment hot chocolate as it is December and wait until Evan got back from hockey, every five minutes I go on to the Highlanders website to check what time his games are and when he would be coming home. Every night I text him and his friends on our instagram direct message, every time he got back from hockey he would text me " Hey Ireland what are you doing?" and I normally reply with a just playing mini sticks with the wall how bout you. But this time it was a whole lot more different, lately there has been people come up to me saying he likes a girl named jasmine and as almost all of us girls we would be jealous.

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