Part one: the worst moday ever!!

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Of course it has to began on a tribal Monday ever in Stella's life time it all begins with moving to Atlanta next summer .okay it actually it all began on a Monday morning at 7:30 am stella begins getting ready for school her mom told her ...hunny wake up . Stella has woken up and begins to get ready for school . But when her mother and father tells he that she's/ they are moving .. Stella laughs hahaha and says I must be half a sleep because I thought I Hurd use guy say that weir gonna be moving next Saturday .... Stella rubs her eyes an then her mother begins to slowly say it aging okay im gonna say it slowly her w-e g-o a-g-i-n h-u-n-n-y. W-e a-r-e m-o-v-e-i-n-g T-0 A-t-l-a-n-t-a !! Next summer though Stella yells NO WHY!!!!!!! And falls off the chair .with a glass of orang juice in her hand and says mom why?? mom answers Stella because its nicer and you can meet new friends. Also you can see your family members more . Isn't it going to be fun A-a-a . Stella replies yes . But what about here and what about all my friends here ???? Well you have Facebook you can talk to them on their or on the phone . also maybe you could visit them in the summer time ... But mom it won't be the same at all . it will be weird and strang and I won't know anyone at my new school. Yeah you will your cousin is going to be their ..her names Fiona and use know each other pretty good don't use . Yes but I won't know anyone in my class .... Yeah I know but that's why it's fun to make new friends. Not really mom just saying when you don't know anyone you'll be that new kid in the class everyone will whisper and say ""oh isn't that the new kid"".. ""someone told me she was from New York City and she had to move here because of her parents""...Oh we'll you will just have to get over it .her mother began to tell her okay so her you go don't forget about your lunch .Stella's mother told Stella and she began to go to her bus stop . As the bus came the door opens the bus driver . said hello good morning Stella replied hello good morning to you too she smiled and began to find a seat . When she gotten to school she was on her way up to class the bell ranged she raced to her locker and began looking for her agenda and when she found it the bell rang agin to let you know that the bell ran . She began running to her English class. as soon as she got their when the tracer opens the door and everyone was looking at even her crush was looking at Stella her face light up like a lightbulb .. Stutters as she began to speak ummm aaaa s o r r y aaa that I'm late my bus just got her with a imbrues face ex person .. Teacher gave her a detention ..just for when everyone goose to reading groups ... When that was done she began playing truth or dare with her group of friends. Their was zehaile smartson , miles love and Cristina styles ,Britney Simpsons ,Stella Jewels and John singer , Stella was fist she was dared to tell a teacher off she did but then she got in trouble then Britney Simpsons got dared to go in the caffe and spit on the flor and then on someone she did but she got . In to trouble and the teacher gave brit detention too . Then it was zehaile smart sons turn she got dared to push a teacher she dot detention to. John singer got dared to put something on fire and then . The teacher gave John singer detention too miles was the only one who didn't get/got in to and trouble . So when the day was over she told her mom she was despondent with Stella and she began a speech about why she shouldn't of done that and you are going to apologize to the teacher you told off and you are going to write a letter to her why you did this. And you won't do it agin and and that you were in the wrong Stella's mom said in a deep angry voice .Stella was speechless and when she was done . Stella said okay I will and It won't happen agin .. She went back to school wrote a letter to mrs. Mocking bird and Stella said that she was sorry and she won't do this/that agin everyone moved on when November came thats when Stella and John became in to likening each other which. Stella wasn't sure at first if he did until you'll find out in the next chapter {(((((((to be continued in November of talking about the x-mas dance for the next - chapter)))))))))))))))}

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