The Trophies

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 "It took you long enough," said the Imperial. He was flanked by two Stormtroopers in their signature white armor. They sat at the Colonel's private apartment in the upper levels of Coruscant. We sat at opposite heads of a dining table. The table, like the rest of the apartment, was nothing to scoff at. It was a great improvement from the barracks where all you have in a bunk, but I've certainly made deals with men of far higher standings. This deal is more of a favor. 

"If you think killing Jedi is easy then why not send in your Stormtroopers?" I mock. The one to my left shifts uncomfortably. Clearly he was the more experienced of the two. The one to my right doesn't react to the mention of Jedi. It had been a few years since the great Jedi purge. Still the fire of the Jedi hadn't been completely snuffed out. Lucky me. Bounty hunting is never boring, but it has been a while since I had a challenge, like killing Jedi.

"It would be a waste of Imperial resources. Now enough of this chat, where is the proof of termination?" he sent the trooper on his right towards me. I unhook the two lightsabers from my belt and hand them to the trooper. He quietly takes them from me and walks back. He hands them to the Colonel. He admires the two weapons with love in his eyes, "I've seen these in action before. In the hands of a Jedi, they are a deadly weapon. How did you separate them from their owners?" he questions.

"It's easy to separate someone from their life when they've already given up on living," what I killed were barely Jedi. They wore robes and swung a lightsaber, but it takes more than a cheap trick and quick reflexes to kill a real Jedi.

"Yes, it is a tragedy what happened to them" he nodded solemnly, "They were a noble order. However, their leaders had corrupted them and they had to be removed," he began twisting and pulling at the two weapons. Slowly, they came apart. At their cores were crystals.

"You remember my price?"

"Yes, yes, there's no need to worry. I'll put them back together. They are useless without the crystal, however,"

"A deal is a deal,"

"As you wish," he sighed, "I don't see why you declined monetary compensation," he handed the now hollow Lightsabers back to the Stormtrooper, who after a short walk, handed them back to me. I knew exactly where on my wall I was going to hang these.

"These trophies are worth more than any amount of Imperial credits," I hook them back to my belt.

"Ah I know what you mean. When I was a young man back before the war, I would hunt exotic game in the outer rim and I wouldn't trade their hides for anything," he chuckled to himself. I've met a couple Imps during my career. Most of them are angry young men who have something to prove. There are a few politicians. You rarely meet an old Imperial like this. I hope he calls me again with more work.

"I promise you, there isn't a game more exotic than a Jedi," I said. He nodded to himself.

"I wonder, the Jedi I sent you after, one was on her last legs and the other was barely trained. What will you do when you face off with more competent prey?"

"I'll tell you after you give me their coordinates," he responded with a burst of laughter. I wanted to believe it wasn't sadistic laughter, but you can never be sure. He seemed like such a kind man. He's just a military man who flowed from the Republic to the Galactic Empire. So kind only meant so much. 

"Oh I was speaking hypothetically," he said after he got through with laughing, "your enthusiasm is most impressive. I'll make sure that the next time a colleague of mine runs across a problem like this I will refer them to you,"

"Always a pleasure doing business with an Imperial," I stand to leave. He stood as well and walked over to me, gesturing for his soldiers not to follow.

"And it's nice commanding a competent soldier for once," he shakes my hand. 

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