Chapter One

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                                As the North Carolina sunset, they kissed and that was the end of their story. 

I sighed wondering if that were ever going to happen to me, being in a happy relationship. The book seemed so real, yet could that ever happen to someone in real life? I flipped the book over and looked at the cover. I was amazed by the detailed emotion the cover seemed to have. I placed the book on my nightside table. I got up and got ready for bed, I washed my face and got into my pajamas. After I climbed into bed and set my alarm for the next morning. 

       The next morning

The next morning came to me as a blink. I got up out of bed and got ready for the day, I pulled my hair into a low pony and found an outfit to wear. I pulled on a white sweater and a pair of black leggings. I grabbed a cup of coffee and started my day. 

      The subway ride was a quiet one today not a lot of people seemed to be out. when I got to my stop I got off the train and walked the rest of the way to the office. The office was full of life and seemed to be alive. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor seeing the familiar video playing on the tv in the corner of the elevator.  When the door opened up I was greeted by  Eddie. Eddie was my best friend at the office, he was also our editor of the magazine. He was the only person to listen to what I had to say about the magazine, and how I thought that we should report on other things rather than just the economy. Eddie had said something to the head of production and they Agreed. They decided to put me in charge of the new section of the magazine that covered different things each week. Last week I did a story on how a local shelter now will travel to different states to bring the animals to their new forever home. This week I was waiting to hear from my boss Rachel to tell me what I would be covering for this week.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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