Party planning!

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Then next morning Roger,Laine, and Chlamydia went to the wedding venue with Randy, Sharon, Gerald, and Sheila.

"Thank you everyone all for coming to help"Laine smiled

"Oh of course dear"Shelia said

"We're happy to help"Sharon smiled

As they began talking looking at catalog Roger just sat back and looked at Chlamydia more trying to recognize her face.

"What's up?"Randy asked seeing him lost in his own mind

"Nothing, if this is the first time I've ever seen chlamydia before but I swear I've seen her somewhere"Roger answered

"Maybe you just think that because chlamydia look so much like Laine"Randy suggested

"Yeah maybe"Roger shrugged

He and Randy then walked to them as they continued to look around their beautiful venue.

"Now we're going to pretty much do everything outside except the dancing which will go back in the hall for"Laine explained happily

"You guys are so lucky to have a spring wedding,Colorado in the spring is absolutely lovely"Shelia said

"Oh me and mommy know, remember we went on vacation in Colorado during spring break"Laine cheered

"Wait,You guys have been to Colorado before?"Roger asked

"Yep, during spring break when I was like 16 I think"Laine answered

"Oh"Roger said nervously

"Now mommy, Can you hand me the box next to the door those have the decorations in them"Laine asked

Chlamydia nodded and then walked over to the box pick it up and revealing her ankle tattoo of a butterfly.

"Oh shit"Roger muttered

"What's wrong baby?"Laine asked confused

"Nothing I just have to go use the bathroom, like right now"Roger said then ran into the bathroom

When he got their he turned on the water and began to clean his face.

"Fuck,This can't be happening"Roger cried as he let the water keep running

"I thought this was behind me"Roger cried again still cleaning his face

"Hey are you okay? Laine was worried about you"Randy asked walking in

"I can't do this"Roger simply said

"What?"Randy asked

"I can't marry Laine, I have to cancel everything I have to leave her I have to move to a different country"Roger panicked breathing heavily

"Look calm down, I understand when I first got married I had doubts too. I felt like running for the hills the trust me it gets better"Randy said holding his hands

"No,I want to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her and Eric"Roger said

"Really You want to be around Eric?"Randy asked shocked

"Yeah,Why ask?"Roger asked confused

"No reason anyways if you love her with all the doubts about?"Randy asked

"I made a mistake, I made a huge mistake"Roger said pulling his hands back and walking to one of the stalls

"Look I was in your shoes once, trust me,I'm sure whatever you did isn't as bad as you think it is"Randy insisted walking closer to him and placing his hand on his shoulder

"I had sex with Laine's mom"Roger spat out

"What the fuck!"Randy shouted stepping away from him shocked

"What happened to whatever I think it wasn't that bad"Roger asked defensive

"I  thought your problem was like you had a wet dream about your
ex girlfriend, Like most guys!"Randy explained

"I didn't think you had sex with your mother-in-law!"Randy added still in complete shock

"Look it's not like we had sex yesterday, It was years ago"Roger told him

"Okay... I'm sorry I'm going to need a little bit more background"Randy said still traumatize about what he just heard

"Okay fine, I'll tell you everything but what I say to you stays between us understand"Roger made clear

"Right,like I'm going to be advertising this anywhere"Randy agreed sarcastically rolling his eyes

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