C1: The Child

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During a normal day at the SGC the team SG1 rushed up to the control room to see what was coming through the gate. They closed the iris but to their suprise Narim walked straight through the iris with a hand woven basket in his hand. Sam rushed down with glee on her face thinking he was here for her. "Narim!" She said happily.
"I am glad to see you Samantha but I am here for Dr. Jackson." Said Narim as he looked at her with straight face. They brought Narim to the conference room to talk and to show what was in the basket.
Narim gently set the basket down and lifted the thin covering of the top of the basket to reveal a child. Everyone was shocked at the reveal. "Narim why do you have a baby?" Asked Sam as she stared at the small child who slept soundly in the basket.
Narim explained the situation that had occurred on Abidous.

"It was her dying wish I just couldn't say no." Said Narim as he glance over at Dr. Jackson who had his head in his hands.
"Daniel are you ok?" Asked Jack with his slightly concerned tone. Daniel sighed and stood.
"I need to think about this." He said as he put back on his glasses and walked away.
Sam and Narim took the child down to Dr. Frasier. Sam was concerned for the child's health and needed to know if gate travel and not mention reality travel had any effect on her.

Jack had followed Daniel down the hall. "Daniel! Daniel! Daniel hold on a sec!" Yelled Jack as Daniel stopped and Jack caught up. "What Jack?" Asked Daniel as he leaned against the wall.
"Daniel, why are you having an issue with this?" Asked Jack as he stood next to Daniel.
"Jack, one thought keeps going in my head, I risk my life everyday how am I going to go on dangerous missions with her at home." Asked Daniel with a worried look.
"Well I only have one answer. Her at home will give you a reason to keep fighting and hope to get back to her." Said Jack as he put his hand on his shoulder.
"Ya know Jack, I honestly think you're right." Said Daniel with a sigh.
"Daniel, just remember that she's now another reason to keep yourself alive." Said Jack with a smile.
"You're right." Said Daniel as he and Jack walked down to the Infirmary.

When they got to the Infirmary Dr. Frasier was holding her, everyone was adoring her and she was loving the attention. Daniel walked in silently hoping to only observe for a few minutes before announcing his presence but Jack being Jack accounced Daniel here. "Here comes the loving father!" Said Jack with a smile.
"Thanks Jack." Said Daniel with a side glance to Jack.
"I checked her out she's completely healthy and just out of curiosity I ran a DNA test and she's absolutely Dr. Jackson's daughter." She said with a smile and looked over at Daniel.
Dr. Frasier handed the small girl to Daniel and as soon as he touched her he was overcome with joy. He was happy for the first time since Sharya had been taken, he thought one day if he got Sharya back they could all be a family.

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