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"Chriiiisss? Chris? Earth to Chris? Are you there?" Chris snapped out of his daze. He looked over and saw Koki was the one calling his name. "You good? You haven't been yourself lately." Jimmy chimed in. "Yeah dude. You've been zoning out a lot. It's kinda worrying."

Chris nodded and walked off, not knowing exactly where he planned on heading. As he walked away, Koki and Jimmy exchanged confused looks before shrugging and going back to their stations.

Chris's POV

What is wrong with me? I was once again in a daze, wondering what was going on. I broke out of it and realized I was standing in front of Martin's door. I contemplated whether I should knock but decided not to. I would only annoy him and make myself question my feelings even more.

What exactly was I feeling? I'm not really sure. It was some sort of urge. Or was it a desire? I wanted to wrap my arms around Martin as we gazed at the stars. Silent. Without having to worry about someone seeing is. Just enjoying each other's company.

I wasn't sure what to do. I reached my room and laid on my hammock. I looked to the side and saw a picture frame. It was of me and Martin. Back when we had barely started our journey. When we were carefree and only wanted adventure. As I closed my eyes, only one thought swirled through my head.

Why do I feel this way?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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