Author's Note II

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Hey guys!

I'm just here to give an update for this story~

So the outline for the second book has already been made. I'm halfway done, but it's still an outline and it may still change, so I'm not going to post said story anytime soon. I need first to stabilize everything before starting so it won't feel rushed or there be to have so many plot holes.

Also, I read the comments on the Season 2 Teaser that I posted and I realized that you guys are very concerned with Dustin dying, but I've actually not seen anyone concerned with Ashley dying. 🤔😂

Anyway, since I've no work anymore due to the lockdown in my city, I now have more time to write and hopefully, I get to finish Loved by a Boy by the time we are now free to go out.

Since we're on the topic, make sure to stay indoors, little lovelies, okay? This isn't the time for us to be stubborn with going out just because we're bored. We were asked to self-quarantine not because we want to, but because we have to. This pandemic that we're all experiencing right now is spreading really fast, and we have yet to find a cure nor vaccine for it.

So guys, please, please listen to your local government and news and wash your hands, stay hydrated, and stay at home at all times. Unless necessary, please refrain from going out. I'm not saying this just because, but I'm saying this because it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

This is a scary time for us all I know, but hopefully, and I'm really hoping, it will end soon. Let's stay optimistic, guys! *mumbles* Can't use the word positive at this time *mumbles*

That's all right now guys. I'll pop up another time if there's any updates.

Stay safe always, okay??


- saphire

Worth Waiting For (BL)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang