Jude sharp X reader suicidal friend

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Meh: k. So up first with a request from a friend who's....got sick....she wanted me to make this for her
Shawn: she got the corona
Meh: yeah...my deepest prayers
Shawn:* hugs* all is ok
Oh and Katrina Ares my o.c is your bestfriend
~Third point of view~
Y/N L/N, was busy doing her school work to be interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. " come in" she said softly, the door creaked open " hai y/n!" The peacock colored haired girl greeted
" hello Katrina, what's up?" The H/C girl looked at her friend. Katrina sighed " boy troubles ".

your point of veiw♤
Katrina sighed " boy troubles". I walked up to her " what did Duske do this time?" I asked with visible annoyance " y/N I don't mean to bother you....but Duske said something very hurtful to me and it's just tearing me up" Katrina cracked with tears about to flood her eyes. I grabbed her face " hey, hey, hey there's no need to cry just tell me everything" I Said clam and reassuring. Katrina took a deep breath " he said ' I've always wondered how you comb your hair so your horns don't show' " I frowned at this " I mean I get it I'm the daughter of someone so infamous I'm bound to be bad...and after he found out about Heath's condition he shut me out ". I felt so bad...I've known her since we were 3 and she's nothing like her father, " Katrina..? " the girl stood up crying " I can't do it anymore...Why live if people make assumptions...I want to join my mom....where I can feel loved and safe...I'm sorry Y/n but I don't mean to hurt you but it comes down to the laws of majority rules!" I paused thinking about this and realized she's going to kill herself! Katrina gave me a hug with so much sorrow and sadness " bye y/n " with that she walked out the room. I started crying I was going to loose my best friend!

♡ Jude Point of view♤
I finally finished practice and I was exhausted and going to see my girlfriend. I kept walking to her dorm only to hear crying, I opened the door to see Y/n crying a sight I didn't like. " hey ( nickname)" she looked at him with her shiny E/C orbs shining in sadness "  what happened" I asked sitting real close stroking her hair. " its Katrina...Duske put her over the top and now she's going to kill her self and join her mom" I sat there generating everything then it clicked Katrina was going to kill herself " y/n I'm so sorry....we should tell the coach" y/n nodded, so I helped her up only to hear screams of horror so we both hugged down to see feathers

~ third pov~
There were screams of horror, the couple ran down to see Katrina covered in blood and peacock feathers. The coaches came out and called an ambulance. Later Katrina was in the hospital and confirmed dead...

Heath pov◇
I can't believe it my best friend I've known since I first came to the orphanage in officially dead...I entered the room " great another person gone from my life who's next Duske or Regina?" I thought to my self. I couldn't help but cry over her because she's now gone too!

Your pointn of view
It was katrtina funeral and everything was draped in black. I stood their at her coffin looking really peaceful. The tears started flooding my eyes, then I felt a strong pair of arms around me " its never GOOD bye more like see you Later." Jude said, I looked at him and started crying as he guided me away from Katrina and we sat back down. I kept crying clinging onto Mark and Axel rubbing my back while Jude went to go tissue paper. Then I eyes Duske sitting there looking as if he had no feelings so I walked up to him " HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled he looked at me dumbfounded " YOUR THE VERY CAUSE OF HER DEATH!" I Said screaming at him gaining everyone's attention " YOUR BASCIALLY A MURDERER AND MOST OF ALL A HORRIBLE FRIEND LOOK AT THE STATE YOU PUT HEATH IN!" he looked over to see Heath crying over by Sonny, Basil, Valentin , Andriano and Regina. You through the flower at hxim " I hope your happy" I Said walking away to Jude and hugged him tight. He ever so gently stroked my hair.

♡Jude's pov♡
It's upsetting to see that Katrina died because of her very own boyfriend. I kept hold of y/n, " it hurts me to see that another boy would up and do that to his girlfriend" my crying girlfriend nodded  " but know y/n I would never do that to you even if I went phsyco" she smiled looking at me " I know she replied I gave her a kiss on the forehead. An hour later they lowered her coffin on the hole as everyone including myself said " see you later". Even y/n was happy to know her friend was happy in her new place but now she has to face her father Ares himself which I'll be there every step of the way.

You are very loved....know tha- form inazuma Japan to you


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