fighting parasite part 2

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Nat p.o.v
His army showed up. We fighted them. I kicked one of them in a butt. Then shot him. Clint shotted with his arrows. Some of them were dead. Steve kicked them. Tony shot with his iron blaster. Thor used his hammer. Bruce turned to Hulk and smashed them.
"Hulk,Thor we need you both to get to the Parasite"said Steve
"While me and Cap will go to stop a thing that he uses"said Tony
"What about us ?"asked Clint
"You two fight them"said Steve
Thor p.o.v
We went to the parasite. He attacked me and Hulk. I used my hammer but it didn't work. I was knocked out. Hulk smashed him but it didn't work out. We both were knocked out
Steve p.o.v
Me and Tony went to the place and tried to destroy a thing that he uses. I throwed my shield at it. It was indrustractable. Tony used his iron blaster. It was destroyed. Clint p.o.v
I kicked them all of them. Nat punched them. Steve and Tony was back.
"Now off to parasite"said Steve
We went to parasite. Bruce hulked out. He tried to destroyed him but it didn't work out. I shot an arrow to him. Nat punched him with widdows bite. Thor hammered him. Steve punched him and Tony punched him in the face. He was knocked out.
"What now ?"asked Thor
"Now we go to prom"i said
We went to home.

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