Episode 4 - "Leegend"

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"I can't believe I got sick." Clem mumbled as she sat in front of the fireplace Violet and Aasim had made.

"Well. I mean, you played out in the rain with AJ." Violet said as she cuddled up next to Clem, keeping her warm.

"I know, it feels stupid now that I think about it. I acted like a little kid." Clem mumbled again.

"You never had the chance to be a kid - not really. You had to grow up too fast when all this happened." Violet told her, rubbing her head slightly.

"I guess. I don't know how you or AJ didn't get sick." Clem said, slightly looking up at Violet.

"Well, I mean, we didn't stay in the rain as long as you did." Violet said. Clem laughed a bit.

"Too bad I didn't get to hang out with Lee outside. It just had to start raining on us." Clem said again with another laugh.

"When you're all better you can hang out with him." Violet said with a smile.

"I know. I'm gonna write him a letter to.. show him how much I actually care. I know I don't show him much." Clem said with a shrug. Violet smiled slightly.

"What do you say we get you to the bedroom, get you warm, and then you can write a letter?" Violet asked, shifting a bit.

"Sounds good." Clem said as Violet helped her up.


"Hey Clem." AJ said as he walked into the bedroom Clementine was in.

"Hey goofball." Clem said with a laugh. Suddenly, she sneezed.

"Vi said you needed a paper and pen. Here ya go." AJ said as he handed Clem a paper and pen.

"Thanks kiddo." Clem said as she examined the paper, then getting up to sit at the desk.

"Do you want me to leave?" AJ asked, playing with his fingers.

"Actually, if you want to, you can.. uh.. you know. Draw in here." Clem mumbled as she slightly looked at AJ.

"Okay. I'll be right back." AJ said with a smile. Clem turned to her paper and thought.

"Dear, Lee.

I really care about you. I just don't show it enough. I figured, 'what better way to show you I care then to write a letter listing everything' right? You mean.. everything to me. I mean it. You and I both know I would have died that day if it wasn't for you... and if I didn't? I certainly would have died soon. A little girl living on her own isn't safe, and you knew that. You really cared for me as if I was your own daughter, and ya know, it seemed like I was your daughter. You tried to give me the childhood I needed, and even when you were dying, you were teaching me and trying to save me. God, I can't ever thank you enough for that. You went through hell to make sure you got me away from that psycho, and I can't ever physically let you know how grateful I am, so.. I made you something. As a reminder of everything we've been through together. You're nothing less than a leegend, and you'll always be my hero.

Love, Clementine."

Clem closed her eyes slowly as tears fell.

"God, AJ... Why is this so hard?" Clem asked as AJ drew.

"Maybe it's because you love Lee. You remember all the things that happened and it makes you sad." AJ said, trying his best to explain.

"I'm going to talk to Lee tonight. God knows he deserves it." Clem said, turning in her chair.

"I... what are you doing?" AJ asked, noticing the writing on Clem's paper.

"Oh. I- I'm just writing a letter to Lee." Clem said, motioning towards the paper.

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