Chapter 2

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"Mmmmghhh....." I groaned into my pillow. 6AM, when I always got up just to sit and eat for half an hour. I laid in bed for another 10 minutes and then rolled over, crashing into the floor.
"AH!" I screeched, startled by the sudden lack of mattress.

I got up, ate breakfast, got dressed, and waited for my always ridiculously late bus. I was surprised I hadn't heard from any of my friends that morning, but it didn't bother me too much.

By the time we moved to first period- art, which I have with Colin - I was nearly running down the stairs just to be in my favourite class. 'Other than lunch, of course.' I thought. I really did like lunch... I didn't, however, like being watched by the evil geometry teacher like we were dead mice and she's a vulture. The first period bell rang, thankfully not awkward -just like Dani said-, and I always try my best to move slow and maybe walk to my next class, also with Colin. That typically doesn't work, though, since I don't have anyone to wait for but Colin.

Walking to literature, my next class, I can't help but imagine different scenarios (which Eloise makes fun of me for) in my head. I should really keep them in my head rather than share... better for everyone else's sanity, not mine. He -Colin- has infiltrated my dreams as well. Adorable dreams I never want to wake up from, only to be woken up from that annoying alarm clock beeping. Sometimes I wish I had a sledgehammer so I could kill it....

I ignore nearly everything going on and wait for the next bell. Third period. Colin has Theology. At least third period, geometry, I have with Eloise, Katherine, and Loren. Kat -short for Kathrine- seems to think Loren and I are like the exact same person and I don't disagree. It's fun having someone else in our circle with a horrible sense of humor. Eloise has started beating me to geometry, surprisingly enough. 

"Hey Eloise!"

"Hey Rita, what's up?"

"Just wondering what you got me for Christmas.... I got your present yesterday!"

"Ooooh what is it??"

"I'm not telling!"

"Ugh... Fine."

The rest of the day went by slow like molasses. It was torture. 

When I finally got home, I changed and walked to the library.

"Hi... I have a book reserved..." I said as I handed the lady my card. I watch her walk to the shelf and back the the desk, confused. 

"Did we call you?"

I couldn't say no, she would tell me to wait until they called.... 

"I, uh... I checked online and it said it was ready..."

"Okay... Let me see if it's in the back."

Lo and behold she walked back with my book: Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver. I had read the previous two in two days, one per day, which is actually pretty slow for me. To be fair, I have read 3 books in one day... I think I have a problem.... And unrealistic expectations from guys....

*The Next Day* 

Art Class: My favourite, by far. We sit and get to do what I love, draw. We also have some pretty, well, interesting conversations... Since David and Colin have some weird conversations. Everyone puts in their two cents to the conversation and continues drawing. When I handed in my project we started working on a few days ago the art teacher said it was good, which made me happy. She was drawing a freaking dragon head in pen! And then there's Megan, who can draw something in just a few minutes that looks freaking amazing. 

Literature: Boring. Boringboringboringboringboringboringboringboring. BORING. The only things I can do to make it more interesting is: stare at Colin and see if he notices; volunteer to read as Antigone; or when this girl, Molly, answers a question, to pretend to look at her and make split second eye contact with Colin. That third option actually happens a lot more than I thought it would... Every single time she answers a question, we both turn and make eye contact and then I look away and smirk into my book... 

Geometry: Fun only because it's with Eloise, Kat, and Loren. If they weren't with me, I'd die a little every day like I do in Ancient Civilizations - Civ for short.

Lunch: Best class. Like ever. FOOD.

Theology: Boring again. Plus I have like an 80 average because the teacher puts things on the test that are worded completely different from out notes. She also gives every other row a different test....

French: Okay... I sit next to Kat. I'm surprised we haven't gotten in trouble from laughing yet.

Civ: BORINGAF. I hate civ. The only things that make this better is the fact that Colin and Kat are in it too... Although Colin sits a row behind me, so I can't glance at him without being obvious. On the bright side he always tells me what they did in latin. He has Latin when I have french. *Notebook covered in bad doodles*

Latin: I may or may not just zone out.... The sort of thing where I'm listening but not actually registering the information... My notebook is horribly covered in doodles like my civ notebook....

Biology: LAST PERIOD YAY. Bio isn't too bad.... Totally boring and childish, but she always goes off on tangines. 

*That Night*

"Can I watch a movie while you guys are gone?"

"Yeah sure... We'll be home later, okay? Keep the doors locked and don't answer the door for anyone."

"Okay okay I get it, Mom. Byee!!"


Hmm.... What movie should I watch? Guardians of the Galaxy.... The GIver.....If I Stay....

After about 10 minutes of debating with my self, I chose The Giver. I haven't read the book at all but let's see how the movie is.

*After Movie*

I just had to text Eloise.


"Why? What from?"


"Jesus calm down"



"Fine don't halp...."

Later that night when my parents got home, my dad gave me a white chocolate peppermint stirring spoon for hot chocolate. I made some hot chocolate and stirred it with the spoon, expecting it to be a plastic spoon dipped in chocolate bUT NO. IT'S A STICK.


On the bright side, it tasted pretty darn good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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