{Sam Winchester X Demon!Reader} Never Trust Demons

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A/N: i did a little bit of research for this story (wow that's a surprise) but i looked up a random god from wikipedia😂 i made up how to kill him causeeee i felt like it lol, and i also picked a random city in washington because i needed a place that had woods. sorry if stuff isn't accurate, but i did my best! hope you all enjoy :)) (female reader)

F/C: favorite color

warnings: none

2761 words

You knew the Winchester boys were in town. After their interactions with you and Crowley, he had given you the task of keeping an eye on them. You didn't really do that though, only checking anytime they went to a new state or town. Fortunately for you, they were headed to a town you were already interested in. Marysville, Washington.

They stopped at a motel. You waited until they made it into their room before you made yourself known. "Hello boys" you said with a smile. Both of them jumped. Dean stood up quickly, pulling out his gun and aiming it in between your eyes. "Sweetheart, you know that's not gonna do anything" Dean slowly lowered his gun. "That's what I thought"

"What are you doing here Y/N?" Sam asked. "Well, Sammy" you paused, walking over to the table in the corner of the room. You sat down in one of the chairs before you continued speaking. "I know the two of you are here on a case" Dean furrowed his brows in confusion. "It's just a werewolf case" You shook your head. "Close... but no"

"What do you mean no?" Sam asked. "It's not a werewolf. Very close to a werewolf. That's basically what he is, but he's more complex. Also harder to kill" you explained. "Are you gonna tell us what we are hunting or are you going to continue to be vague?" Dean deadpanned, tired of your talking. You laughed. "His name is Amarok. He's a werewolf in the sense that he can change into a wolf, but he only preys on hunters or campers out in the woods. He barely ever deals with other people. He stays in his little cabin in the woods and kills and eats unsuspecting victims. He's been doing this for hundreds of years"

"Is he a god or something?" you nodded. "He is indeed a god. Which means your precious little silver bullets aren't going to do anything except piss him off"

"I'm guessing you know how to kill him?" Dean asked as he tossed his gun on the bed next to him. "I do! But I'll need a little help to get it" you said with an innocent smile on your face. "What do you need?" Sam asked with a sigh. Dean looked over at him. Sam seemed to understand what he meant even without any words. Sam looked back at you as you glanced between the brothers. "It won't be that much trouble. I promise. I've been trying to get rid of Amarok for centuries, I just didn't want to get my hands too dirty, and no one else would do it for me. Now I have you two" you smiled, but sighed and frowned when you didn't get a reaction out of either of them. "Tough crowd" you muttered. "Anyway, you need a certain dagger. It was made by Amarok's brother. It's the only thing that can kill him"

"You know where it is?" Sam asked. "Of course I know where it is. I also have a plan of how to get it" You stood up, leaning back against the table.

You explained to them that there was a wealthy man who collected ancient artifacts, such as the dagger. He was having a party the next night at his home. You knew this man because of a deal you had made with him.

"There is a catch though" Dean shook his head. "What is it?"

"Only one of you can come with me" Dean stood up from the bed. "I'll go" he said quickly. "Oh so you're volunteering?" Sam asked him angrily. "Well, yeah"

"I don't really care which one of you it is. Just decide before the party tomorrow night. I'll be back tomorrow night, fellas" you snapped, disappearing.

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