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You know, blood has this weird color.

I first saw it when I was a kid. I was in a car accident with my parents on a pretty much abandoned road. They were killed instantly. That was the first time I saw it. Blood. Everywhere. And I kept staring at it until I was found. The color has stayed with me ever since.

And I kept wanting to see it, y'know? Like how you want the next episode of your favourite TV show to air or how you want the next book in your favourite series to come out. I just want to see it.

It's so fucking real, like you know it's not meant to be seen outside your body. You know it's what's keeping you alive. So, y'know, why spill it? You just keep it safely tucked inside your feeble skin so it can make everything work all together. Right?

That red is so real and vibrant and alive.

I've always loved that color. And I saw it all the time. The blood red leaves that were falling to the ground due to the fact that it was autumn were that color. The school sweaters that my university sold at the campus store were that color.

The girl's who's throat I slit this morning in her dorm was that color.

You see, she was rude, rude, rude. Not nice at all. she said that red was to aggressive, violent. not a good color for anyone. She said it was bad. and didn't go with anything. SHE SAID IT WAS TACKY AND UGLY. SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND. She mocked my painting. She said I didn't understand.

It just spurted out, like a little fountain as I grabbed her from behind and dragged my knife across her neck. She had fallen forwards and held her neck, trying to stop the red from coming out. NO NO NO. I grabbed her hands, turning her so she was on her back and straddled her, watching her life ebb away with the red and holding her hands back.

She had weakened and weakened and weakened...And I didn't have to hold her hands anymore . I had let go and smeared her blood on her face. She was getting incredibly pale. It was such an unappealing color...Why not put red everywhere, right? She'd look so much better! Red was definitely her color.

"You're so beautiful now." I told her."It's all this red, y'know? So pretty...." And she was. I had kissed her forehead, smearing more blood on her. She had shuddered and then when still as the last of her blood left her body.

And I had laughed. Wasn't that just wonderful? That color bubbled up to say hello! To say hello to me! Ha. Isn't that great?

It's really a beautiful color, isn't it? I think so.

It's a shame that it changes after a while. The leaves turn brown, the sweaters fade and that girl's blood dries up and becomes rust. I had washed all of the blood off when everyone was still sleeping, watching my beautiful red dilute in the water and turn pink. But I wasn't happy about it.

I-I just want that color to stay, y'know? I want everyone to see it! See how beautiful it is.


They want to catch me, put me somewhere where I can't see that color anymore. Why? Why would they do that? Do they not see it? Do they not see how pretty it is? It's fucking perfect.

The police come to see my beautiful red color...Th-they don't seem to like it. They covered her body...they restrict access to her dorm. They don't let anyone see her. See what I've done. They don't see the red at all. They just see her. Who she was. No. No. NO.

Why? I made it just for them. Do they not like it?

"...A murder, yeah",they spoke.

"..Some psycho slit her throat...." They breathed out as if scared.. Why?

"....Blood everywhere...." they murmured

"... Did anyone tell her boyfriend yet...?" they said.

Her boyfriend? No, no, she was just the red. She was the beautiful packaging for the treasure inside. She didn't need things like that. Hahaha, boyfriends.

Now I walked around campus with a big smile on my face, happy. All was right in the world. Everything was good. but everyone else had somber faces. All of them were sad. All of them... I stopped smiling. I had to do something about all these unhappy people. They were so sad...

Why, they hadn't seen the red! That's why!

I could do something about that.

"...The boyfriend probably did it...", they muttered. That stopped me in my tracks.

no. no No No NO NO .

IT WAS ME. THAT ART IS MINE. These amateurs did not deserve to see it.They didn't understand.

It was mine.

mine mine mine mine mine mine mine.

I pressed my lips together to suppress a bout of hysteric laughter. Why was I getting so worked up? I'd just prove it was mine.

Then everyone would know.

That afternoon, I asked around about the girl's boyfriend and I eventually found him. He was good-looking... Skinny, brown hair, blue eyes, nice smile even though it was probably being faked to reassure people that he wasn't going to break down.

I followed him all day, not caring for my classes, watching, learning, knowing who I was going for...Usually, I wasn't so specific. Blood was the same color, no matter what the exterior looked like. Animals, people: Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Arab...Didn't matter. Everyone had that beautiful color inside them.

My hand clenched in the knife in my pocket, anticipating this. I was giddy. Night fell as he went to the highest floor in the library and sat down in a blocked off corner by himself. This was meant to be, it couldn't have been easier for me. I made the red seap out of him to, loving the slick feeling of it on my skin. I giggled. It was beautiful.

It wasn't enough. I needed more.

I knocked on the door to an office close by . The person's scream was muffled in my ears by the sound of my own overexcited heartbeat. I was smiling as I stabbed him in the neck and his beautiful blood sprayed all over my face and chest. The scream had woken up their fellow employer who had been sleeping in the desk chair in back of the room...That one, he fought back, kicked and screamed and punched me...I didn't like that very much. I stopped smiling. This was not fun. He saw the change in my expression and stopped fidgetting for a moment. I took my chance and stabbed the side of his neck. He gurgled as blood poured out of his mouth. I smeared it all over his face and mine, laughing maniacally.

My work was done. I started to walk out of the office when I heard footsteps come closeer and closer. I dropped the man's body into his chair and sat on his desk, carving a smile into his face. I sensed a presence at the door and turned to see a girl, her eyes wide with terror and fear.

I laughed and gestured to the man sitting in the chair. "Look at how happy he is!"

She stayed silent, eyes still wide and on me now. I got up and walked over to her. I had a feeling she wanted to run. Why do that though? She was in front of a masterpiece. I towered over her and she looked up to meet my eyes with her own.

I trailed my knife along her cheek and she whimpered. "Shhh" I spoke softly. "Hush and look, my dear." I took her face in my hand and made her look at all the red. She cried silently.

"Red is just a good color on them, ain't it?" I murmured as I cut into her neck.

And this is the kind of story I write when I'm bored. I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for any typos, I was just writing for fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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