It's like I conjured him up

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When was the last time I was this awkward or embarrassed, for once my unfiltered mouth didn't have anything to say, I was pretty much speechless at this situation, but I need to stay away from him, I can't do anything to call for attention, and by his looks I can tell he must get plenty.

"So uh... i have to, I have to go to class now" Liam just looked at me funny with a lopsided grin, does he think everything I do is funny or something "Yes, and thank you for accompanying me to the infirmary" I said turning around to leave. He caught up fast and walked with me again, I looked at him wondering why was he following me ,"I have to go to class too, am guessing you also have world history with McCranny?"so there'a literally no way to avoid him now. "Yes, do you think he'll be mad if we are a little late?"

"I think he won't even notice we exist, he's hates more than us to be here, if thats even possible " that was funny, I cant imagine a teacher not caring about the presence of his students. Liam was right thou, the professor didn't even noticed when we entered like 20 minutes late, we seated at the back while there was a movie about the Second World War playing, apparently according to what Liam found out, there was gonna be an essay about it due Friday.

I guess he might not like it here, but he was serious about evaluations, later that class I learned that it was an 20 pages paper. About a detail that I found interesting about the movie and actual history. Definitely not a great movie, but the generals there were interesting enough to write about.

After school I had a doctor appointment to do a check up, I arrived a the clinic and my brother was waiting for me there already. "What are you doing here Rodrigo?" I looked at my big brother in his business suit with his phone and some papers in hand, he had pretty much made himself confortable at the patients lounge where he was casually doing his work.

"I came to accompany you Lucita, there's no way I would ever let you come to your first check up alone" even thou he's super busy he always makes time for us, I really need to something to thank him later.

"Miss Lucinda Walton" the nurse scanned the waiting room until she saw my hand up "the doctor will see you now" she had a nice smile, you could tell at first glance that she was someone who enjoyed the job she did.

After a tedious time at the doctor, I was sent home with a different set of new medicine to control my blood pressure and a new diet to maintain the progress I had made so far, apparently my heart was pretty much adapting well to my body but I had to keep constantly taking care of myself just in case of anything.

Finally its Friday and I have the weekend to collect myself before another week of school begins, I made a couple of friends, that thankfully helped my sister get her own turf instead of staying glued to me all the time, I love her to death, but she needs to live her life too, she cant live only tying to take care of me.

I touched my chest and I can't believe how long its been since my transplant, but I couldn't be happier for the chance I got at having a new life.

For some reason Liam pops in my mind as I go around our apartment gathering all the clothes my sister and brother leave on every surface, I swear there's no floor on bella's room as I crawl picking up dresses and socks to put in the laundry basket. something about Liam makes me get goosebumps, I have such and odd reaction to him, am usually more reserved with new people, but he gets the goofy me. something in his eyes, like he's troubled by something, makes his eyes look so much like there's .- "LUCITA! guess who's home?!" gosh my sister always knows how to make an entrance.

I pick u the last shirt form the floor and dump the basket in the laundry room. "Hey B, how was your date?" I walk towards the house kitchen where I hear her voice when I stop dead in my tracks seeing her with her date Cole and... "Liam" am kind of flabbergasted, I was literally just thinking about him, and now he's here, its like I conjured him up.

"Well I actually had a great time bowling with Cole, but then on our way out we bumped into Liam outside and I invited them both over for a movie night... what do you think?"

"Sounds great... I'll order a pizza and you guys go get comfortable in the living room" belle hugs me excitedly. then she makes her way to the fridge grabbing a few sodas and water for the guys and she leaves with Cole trailing behind her, leaving only me and Liam un the kitchen...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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