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The next thing I remember after it all went black then waking up in the hospital and all I saw was kian next to the hospital bed crying

H- kian
K- oh my god hazel

He comes up to me and hugs me tight

H- what happened
K- we got into a car accident I'm totally fine but you almost didn't make it I texted Jaden, charli, Mattia and everyone else and charli, Jaden, josh, Anthony, griffin, and Payton are on there way and mattia booked a flight for tomorrow
H- wow it was that serious
K- ya you (idrk car accident injuries so just imagine that there listed but there serious injuries)
H- oh can I text Mattia on your phone
K- ya here

He hands me his phone and I text Mattia


Hey Mattia, it's me hazel I just wanted to let you know I'm up, I'm good and you don't need to book a flight, just spend time with Alvaro and Rashawn

Omg hazel your up and no I'm coming home to see you

No stay there I don't want Alvaro and Rashawn to hate me for you always bailing on them for me

Baby there fine with it you got into a car accident they understand why I want to see you

Whatever I just don't have a phone so if you need me text kian

Ok love you

Love you

I gave kian his phone back

H- I told him to text you if he needs me so let me know if he texts
K- ok well Jaden and then should be here soon
H- I'm tired
K- then go to sleep
H- alright you can wake me up if you want when they get here
K- ok

I fell asleep and don't remember anything until I woke up and was in a lot of pain more than yesterday it was really bright out I look around and I was still in the hospital and I saw kian, Jaden and charli spread out though the room they were all sleeping I look around to see if there's a clock in the room and there was and it read 9 am and I was bored but I didn't want to wake them, I sat there debating if I should wake one of them up or not then I see Jaden stand up and stretch

H- Jaden
J- your up
He came over to me and hugged me
J- are you ok
H- I'm in a lot more pain then yesterday
J- do you need anything
H- can I use your phone
J- ya here
He handed me his phone and I texted mattia

Mattia🚽 👅

Good morning baby when are you coming


Oh sorry it's hazel

Lmao I'm at the airport now, boarding in 20 minutes so around noon, how do you feel are you ok

I'm in a lot more pain then yesterday 😕

Aww baby I'll be there soon

Ok 🥺
Love you bubby

Love you 😘

I gave Jaden his phone back

H- ughh I'm bored
J- when is Mattia going to be here
H- around noon
J- well uhh josh, Anthony, griffin and Payton want to come see you
H- Payton ?? What
J- ya he said he wants to see you he wants to be friends
H- wow never in a million years would I think
J- stop being dramatic you nearly died but there coming at 10
H- why so early
J- idk they just said 10
H- surprised there even up at 10
J- *scoffs* ya right

Kian then wakes up

K- good morning
H- morning
J- morning
K- hazel how you feeling
H- worse... a lot worse
K- do you want me to get pain pills from the nurse
H- ya thanks
K- no problem

Kian goes to get me pain pills and charli wakes up

C- hazel

She comes up to me and hugs me tight
C- are you alright
H- ya I'm fine

Kian comes back with the pain pills

H- thanks kian
K- no problem here's a water
H- thanks

It was now almost 10

J- the boys said there on there way
H- ugh I look like trash 😩
J- no you don't hazel you look great
H- aww thanks Jaden
J- no problem

The boys finally got to the hospital

They all came up to me and hugged me

G- how do you feel are you ok
H- ya I'm on pain pills right now but when I woke up I was in a lot of pain

We all talked for about 5 minutes

J- I'm hungry anyone else
Everyone- ya
J- ok what does everyone want
Everyone- chick- fil-a breakfast
J- alright who's coming
K- I'll go get it what does everyone want
Everyone says there orders
K- alright I'll be back soon
H- thanks kian
Everyone- thanks kian

Kian left and we talked till he got back about random stuff then kian got back and we all ate our food and it was about 11:30

A- alright boy we gotta head out
Boys- alright
P- bye hazel hope you get better *hugs hazel*
H- bye Payton, bye guys
Boys- bye hazel
J- bye guys see ya

They left

K- alright I have to go somewhere I'll be back soon
H- alright bye
J- bye

Kian left and none of us knew where he was going then I had Jaden out on the tv and I watched that for like 10 minutes

J- kian texted me saying Mattia texted him saying he just got in his Uber that he's on his way from the airport
H- ok thanks

About 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door and I thought it was the nurse thinking nothing of it and then I see Mattia walk in the door and he jogs up to me and hugs me tight for about 5 minutes

M- I don't know what I would do without you
H- aww *kisses Mattia* I love you
M- love you to *starts to cry*
H- aww are you crying... baby why are you crying
M- because I love you so much and don't know what I would do without you and the thought of losing you... I love you
H- aww baby come here 🥺

Me and mattia hug for a long time then we let go when kian walks in the room with a bag

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