Dont you say that

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It's a normal day at Northshore, popular kids bing horrible, nerds being nerds and loners well being loners and Janis just painting in the art room she paints a picture everyday of something new today was her girlfriend Cady, she thought she locked the door but she didn't. Shane Omen walked in knowing what he is going to do. Janis was too focused to see him until he tossed the canvas across the room. Janis was in shock she just stood there scared she has always been scared of Shane knowing what he can say and do.
"What you painting space dyke" Shane said with a smirk on his face. Janis was shaking and couldn't get any word out.
"Well what are you doing! I bet it's that little girlfriend of yours, god you fucking lesbians are gross just be normal and be straight everyone would like you. Not thinking you want to fuck them. Which I'm surprised you haven't tried to you little lesbian weirdo. You're girlfriend doesn't even like you I bet she is cheating on you right now. I would laugh so hard I won't be able to breathe." Shane says right in her face. Janis was in the verge of tears and her breath shakes and Shane heard this.

"Oh wow you gonna cry. You're pathetic. You're ugly, stupid and worthless. You should just leave this world everyone will love their life better. Without you in it. Even Cady. Damien. Your mum. Your sister. Just leave janis. Leave the world" Shane shouts at Janis. Janis is trying her hardest not to cry or fight back, she knows both would be a bad idea. She pushes her into the wall and leaves. She sits there and cries.
Cady looks for her and goes into the art room knowing Janis would be in here and sees Janis in a ball shaking and crying into her jacket. Cady sits next to her and pulls her in knowing Janis will tell her when she is ready to. A few moments pass and Janis looks up at Cady and asks her if she is seeing anyone else behind Janis' back

"What! No Jan! No I would never why would you think that" Cady was shocked to say at the least Janis would ever think of such a thing.
"C-cause Shane O-omen said you where probably cheating on me right now with someone and he also said I was stupid and worthless  and ugly and maybe I am. I am just pathetic  and everyone will be better with me because I ruin everything, I ruin everyone's fun. I don't get why youre with me I will ruin you. Caddie you might as well leave because I will mess you up with everything." Janis got out crying into Cady's skirt she was wearing

"Jan I'm so sorry he said that to you but it's not true you have more worth in the world then anyone, you are not pathetic you just have feelings, you're not stupid you just don't know things that people know but you know what you need to know, you do not ruin everyone's fun sure not everyone likes you but the people that do are so glad that you're alive. The world would not be better without you Jan. I promise you that. People love you even if it's one person that one person wouldn't know how to live with you in their life you are important Jan. You are not ugly you are gorgeous, everyone has opinions but Jan I'm my opinion you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, every time I see you I think wow she is stunning, Jan it doesn't matter what arseholes say about you, they do it to get to you and it's working, Jan you need to stand up and wipe them tears away with your head held high and you need to show them a smile and show them it's not working, even if you don't want to smile you need too." Cady knew if she just said some lies about everything thinking janis was actually amazing, would make it worse she knew she had to say the truth which was hard because she doesn't know how Janis felt about the truth told to her when she's upset.

Janis sits up looking at Cady with a smile on her face and she crashes her lips to Cady's.
"Thank you" Janis said as she pulls away
"Thank you for being the best girlfriend ever and thank you for being here when I need you"
Janis puts her hands in Cady's as she speaks
"Janis I will be here for you 24/7 I promise"
Cady smiles as Janis was about to kiss Cady again the bell rang and they knew more the students would have to come in this room so they got up and headed to their class. They didn't feeling like skipping this one. Hand in hand Cady and Janis made it to history safely.

Hey so schools been canceled cause of corona so I will be posting more

Update: sorry it's a short one but oh well
Word count: 874

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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