Roska : Dogs, Foxes and Wolves

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Agonizing grinding…


Roska felt the warm shards twisted from her mouth. The metallic taste of blood flooded into the new hole, but it did nothing for the pain. The throbbing pain behind her head added to it, while also keeping her mind dull and foggy. She didn’t know who was ripping her molars out, specifically that was, but she knew damn well who was behind it all. He was also behind whoever had her clubbed behind the head. It always came down to him. The blood in her mouth boiled and her emerald eyes flicked open. It was a scrawny sort of man she did happen to recognize. He was sweaty and pale. Scared. He’s scared. She tried to move her arms to sit up, but she was belted into the table. Why are my teeth being ripped out?

Roska felt the wedge holding her jaws open and her facial muscles stung at the slightest twitch. She could tell if she had not been clubbed behind the head, the pain would be much, much worse. She could only watch as this man placed shards of her molars onto a wood tray and turn back to face her. He immediately avoided eye contact when he realized she had regained some of her awareness back. However, that didn’t stop him from taking a nail and hammer and hitting it down into her last molar.

She let out a scream then, or one she could manage to the best of her ability. A mixture of scream and bubbling gurgle. That backed him off and he dropped his nail for now. Roska swallowed a mouthful of blood to help her breathe better for the next scream. When my father hears of this, your head’s going to roll! Roska sucked in a deep breath…then all became black and painless.


She felt a coldness enter her mouth now, with much hammering that sent jolts scratching into her brain. Roska lost track of how much cold was hammered in, as she kept losing her senses to the pain and lack of blood. She had lost her drive to fight back or even yell out for help. Whatever was going on, it was some kind of alteration. She didn’t know the reason but she decided to grit and bear it through a brain that was indecisive on it’s own awareness.

She heard the man set down his hammer and sigh. Her eyes flicked open through heavy lids and she glimpsed how bloody his arms and apron were. I’m a bloody mess if he’s that bloody… Roska realized the wedge was gone when her lips parted to speak and the pain quickly hushed her up. She then tried to move her tongue along these cold objects hammered into her jaw. They were similar in size to her removed molars, but tasted bitter and felt a bit rougher. She panicked internally, quickly feeling at her front teeth. They’re intact… it was only the back teeth.

She watched the man clean his tools in a basin of water and then scrape her dried and congealed blood off his arms with a dull knife. She now began to realize her bodice was soaked through with blood. It felt sticky but warm.  It was an expensive dress, but the fact it was a gift made it feel worse. Once she found out more on this horrific experience, she’d eventually put her focus into making someone pay for this. Physically and financially. Maybe this man? Perhaps, he had mutilated her mouth, although Roska was certain he was forced to do it. She wasn’t one to punish everyone’s actions done onto her, but she wasn’t soft hearted either. Forgiveness was rare and a gradual process for her. She could never forgive what had been done to her teeth. For her dress? Maybe, but the agony of what she had undergone drowned the meager issue of a ruined dress. She watched him finish cleaning his arms off and toss her toothy shards out the window. When he turned to face her, he averted his gaze as he had done before and took the apron off.

He was the healer at court. Someone she had gone to various times for injuries or sickness. He was average, in her opinion, just an older man who minded his own business. He wasn’t someone to intentionally rip out teeth, unless he was threatened. She could see him doing that then. Anyone would if he commanded so. She wanted to ask him why, but all that came from her mutilated mouth was a gurgle of some sort.

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