After you confessed

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Some people begin to be awkward with each other because they feel embarrassed for having those feelings for their crushes. There are two possible outcomes after you confess to your crush:

a. You'll liked back.

b. You'll get friendzoned. 


Possibility A

I see some people starting to bloom relationships after they discover that they like each other, but some people begin to be awkward towards their crushes even though they were liked back. Wonder why?

Well, it's because their shyness gets into them. 

Shyness gets into the way of their will to form something in between them, such as successful mutual understanding. Which leads to forgetting of feelings. Because of your shyness, you crush's feelings towards you, might fade. Sayang naman yung opportunity na makasama nyo yung crush nyo. So, you should overcome your shyness and make your confidence rise. And if you accomplish this, you can now bloom into a happy and successful relationship with your crush. 


Possibility B

Though, there are possible two giver of rejection here:

a. Your best friend/friend.

b. Someone who's not close to you.


A. Your best friend/friend.

I know this hurts really bad that it's your best friend/friend rejected you, but that reason does not mean that you and your friend should be awkward. I've experienced this twice, but I've realized that rejection does not make a reason for me to be awkward with my friend. That's why I'm trying to fix that mistake. 

You and your friend shouldn't be awkward nor avoid each other (Thank you Geeanne for that advice) because that will break your friendship that for a long time you were trying to cherish and take care of. At least keep your friendship alive, talk to him/her, and hangout with him/her. And remember, Don't make your friend (crush) see you as a someone who only likes him/her but, always appear as a friend too. Friendship is important, take care of it and maintain it, because I swear, It hurts when you cannot talk that person nor hangout with him/her. So, at least, please, Don't break this friendship you have bloomed with a friend. I suggest you try to talk to him/her casually after the rejection, but before you do that, At least give that person a little time to think so he/she can process what's happening. But talk to him/her and hangout with that person more often. 

But if he/she does not like to be friends anymore then there's nothing you can do about that person's decision.


B. Someone who's not close to you

Same advice as A. but before you talk or hangout with them after rejection, Be friends with them first, so that person will no longer think it's awkward. Plus, now you have another friend. And always remember this;

Don't make someone see you as someone who only likes them, but also someone who's a friend to them. (I got this lesson from someone special...

A kind friend :) with a name that starts with the letter K)


So that's my advice

I hope you'll follow it. See ya guys next time on my next advice and suggestions :) bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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