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July 22, 1991

Lindsey was in the nursery sitting on the chair just looking at his baby. She had just woken up and he fed her with one of the bottles Stevie had pumped the night before and then he dressed her, which led them to this moment. She was "sitting up" on her father's lap, really he was holding her in a sitting position, and she was dressed in a sundress. The little diaper attachment and the pockets were blue and white striped but the main part of the dress was blue and white polka-dotted. The dress had little pockets on it and coming out of one of them was a little sun. 

"Honey your flight leaves in an hour and a half," Stevie says leaning against the doorframe just wrapped in her black silk bathrobe. She was back to pre-baby Stevie and since he was due to leave for a week they made love for what seemed like the first time in forever the night prior. Lindsey will admit it's weird with the three dogs in the room, but it's even weirder with their daughter sleeping on her side of the bed, but he tried not to think about it and somehow he managed to make it through until they both climaxed. 

"No, I'm not going to Aspen. I refuse." He shakes his head.

"Baby you have to." Stevie walks into the room and sits on the arm of the chair.

"I don't want to leave her." He hugs her.

"I know you don't honey. But you have to go to work. When she gets a little bit older we'll join you. I promise but right now you need to go get plans to build in Aspen." She runs her fingers through his hair. 

"I just...I don't...Steph." He whines.

"I know baby, give her to me and we'll walk you out." Stevie holds her hands out for the baby.

He just pouts but hands Kinzey over anyway and then the small family make their way downstairs and out of the house. 

"I love you." Stevie gets on her tiptoes and kisses him. 

"I love you too. I love you, Kinzey." He swoops down and kisses his daughter's little cheek.

"She loves you too." Stevie rubs his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss her so much. Just one more squeeze." He takes her back from her mother and holds her to his chest rocking back and forth for a bit.

"Lindsey, it's going to get harder to leave the longer you put it off, go we'll be here when you get back. Call us when you land." Stevie takes the baby back and shoos him off.

"Daddy loves you." He kisses the baby again and starts walking down to the car waiting for him. 

Stevie and Kinzey watch and wave as Lindsey's car pulls away and then they go into the house and Stevie starts working on her breakfast. It's hard to make a bagel one-handed but she manages and then she takes it upstairs to eat. She lays the baby on her back in the middle of their king-sized bed and the little one grabs her feet and Stevie laughs. 

"Well, Kinze if your feet are your toy of choice, go for it but I will say...Daddy picked a cute outfit for you today Pumpkin. Yes, he did." She leans over and kisses her little forehead. 


August 2, 1991

Stevie was in the nursery with Kinzey getting her ready for bed. She had just strapped her gray and white sleeper on her when she heard the dogs bark. Lindsey had been gone for two weeks so she knew that as soon as he made it into the nursery Lindsey would attach himself to that baby. 

As soon as he walked into the room, he picked her up off of the changing table and held her close. 

"I'm never leaving for this long ever again. I missed her too much." He tells her.

"Oh, so you just missed her. You didn't miss me?" Stevie crosses her arms and leans against the changing table.

"I always miss you, but I missed her more." He tells her.

"Well, you're just in time to put her to bed. I'm going to go oh I don't know...soak in a bath. Feel free to join me when you get her to sleep." She leads them into the master bedroom. 

When Lindsey sinks into the soaker with her, she immediately goes over and intertwines their naked bodies. 

"This is going to sound really bad of me, but I didn't think that you'd ever warm up to having a kid." She starts rubbing his pecks. 

"Steph, I'm not going to lie, neither did eye but when I watched her physically come out of your body, It was like the world shifted. But on a more serious note, you said that you deliberately stopped Birth Control because when I was gone you were lonely. Was this better?" He asks rubbing her lower back.

"Oh yeah, it was much better. It'll be even better when she can talk and I can play with her, but it was so much better." She tells him.

"Good, let's make more." He says.

"Lindsey she's only three months old, I haven't even cycled yet. I probably won't cycle for a while because I'm breastfeeding her." Stevie states.

"Not right now, but in the future let's make another one." He tells her.

"Honey, as much as I would love that. I don't know if we'll be able to. I'm 41." She sighs.

"But we can try until we absolutely can't. And if we don't end up with another one eventually that's okay because we'll have Kinzey." He tells her. 

"Alright baby, but let's wait a couple of years." Stevie chuckles kissing him passionately. 

They were about to go into full-on bath sex when they heard a cry from their bedroom. Stevie laughs and stands up out of the tub before quickly drying off and wrapping her robe around herself. Kinzey immediately started rooting for her breast so Stevie got herself comfortable on the bed and untied her robe letting the baby suckle. She's watching her a smile gracing her face when she sees a flash from a camera and her head shoots up. 

"Did you get my boobs in that picture?" She asks.

"I don't know, all I knew when I snapped that picture was that I wanted to remember this moment forever. You're looking at her with so much love and care it's wonderful. And we can use it when she's a teenager and she goes through that I hate mom and mom hates me phase." Lindsey chuckles sitting the camera down and crawling into bed with her. 

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