Chapter 1: The Beginning

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It was the beginning of spring and everyone was planning on going to either the beach or staying home and going in their own pools. All the adults were off from work, all the kids were off from school, and everyone was happy that they had spring break. Everyone except, well of course, Icess-Rose. Icess-Rose, or her friends call her by what she wants them to call her Icess, was a normal teenage girl, actually she wasn't normal at all. Her parents didn't care about what she did or who she hung-out with. They honestly have been trying to get rid of her ever since she was born. When she turned about 10 she was being body-shamed by her own parents. When she was 11 she was told to eat more food cause she was "too skinny". When she was 12 she was told to eat LESS food cause she was "too fat". When she was 13 she was told to wear more makeup cause she was "ugly". Today's her 14th birthday and she was told by her parents to wear less or no makeup cause she was "trying too hard". They also said they had a surprise for her when she came home from school today, Icess was very excited cause she thought her parents never cared about her or anything that she has done to try and impress her parents.

*After school on the way home*

Icess's POV

I was so excited to see what my parents got me, they never really cared about me growing up but I bet they were only doing those things so I wouldn't try to find out what they were planning for my birthday. When I got home I found my parents sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Hi guys!" I said, my mom said "hello" back. "So what are we doing today?" I asked all excited, "we're gonna be making a fire inside the house" my dad said. "But isn't that dangerous?" I questioned, "well if you don't wanna celebrate your birthday then we don't have to" my mom said, "no, lets do it, sounds like fun" I said.

*Her dad starts the fire and it immediately started to spread all over the house*

Icess screams with terror and tries to find her parents, she looks everywhere but they're no where to be found in the house. She starts to cry and runs to her room and locks the door. She tries to open the window but it won't budge, she looks through it and spots her parents running. She bangs on the window and screams "Mom! Dad! Help me! Come back! Please! Help me! I need help!" they hear her and turns around, Icess screams again "Help me! Please!" they only smile an evil smile and turn back around and runs to the car and speeds off leaving Icess to burn alive and die.

*Minutes later*

In the distance you can hear an ambulance and firetrucks coming to the house. The firefighters enter the house and try to look for anybody who could've been stuck in the house. They enter the parents room, no one in there. They enter the basement, no on in there. They enter the office room, no one in there either. Then they enter the attic, someone was in there. And that someone was Icess. Yes, you read correctly, it was Icess. Her room was the attic, her parents didn't care for her so they put her in the attic where she will forever sleep. The firefighter enters the room and searches, he finds Icess near the window where she was screaming to her parents and she fell asleep. The firefighter picks her up and carries her out of the house where everyone, including her friends, were waiting. There were so many screams and cries coming from her friends that she wakes up and immediately starts having a panic attack and hyperventilating. "Who are you? What are you doing?" she starts asking so many questions that she soon passes out again. Her breathing starts to slow down and soon enough she dies on the way to the hospital.

To be continued...


Another new story that I started writing yesterday. Hope you enjoy this story.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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