Chapter 2: Celaena

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No no no. This couldn't be right. There have to have been some mistake. Because surely Aedion, HER Aedion, couldn't be working for the king of Adarlan. Not at the same time she was.

But there he was, Celaena's cousin and best friend from ten years ago, basically her brother. The person she had missed the most these past years. He was just casually strolling down the alter between the tables, clapping males on the shoulder and winking at females. He was exactly as she had dreamed him to be, when she had given in to the thought.

Every inch of Aedion SCREAMED warrior. From his sure walk to his way to take in his surroundings, and his body rippling with hard muscle. Even if he looked like he didn't have a trouble in the world, Celaena could see his careful gaze sweeping through the room like it was a killing field. It was something she had learned in her own training.

Celaena suddenly became aware that tears were spilling over her cheeks. She hastily turned her head from Aedion and dried her tears with the inside of her right wrist, hoping no one would notice. Dorian however, didn't miss a beat.

"Celaena, what's wrong?" he asked, worry lacing his every whispered word. Damn it. She couldn't fully look at him. Now when she and Aedion were in the same room together, it would be almost impossible to hide the obvious relation. They could have been twins for Wyrds sake. And if their features didn't betray them, their eyes surely would. The Ashryver eyes, deep turquoise with a ring of gold as bright as their hair.

"Nothing," she answered Dorian quietly, looking away from him, trying to hide her face. But he would take none of that. He gripped her chin and lifted her face so he could scan her. Wyrd save her, all he had to do was take one close look at Aedion and know. She pulled away and he dropped her chin.

"You almost never cry, what happ-" but he was cut of by another male voice. A deep tenor full of mocking and swagger and pure violence. The twin to hers. And with the accent of Terrassen that she had spent years trying to tone down.

"Majesty," Aedion said, giving the King a mock bow. The nerve of that man, Celaena couldn't help but smile a bit.

But the King was frowning. "I expected you a month ago."

"Apologies, the Staghorns were slammed with a final winter storm. I left when I could." Aedion actually shrugged at him, at the most powerful ruler in this land. Celaena already loved him a little more for it, for that arrogance and swagger. Because even though he worked for the king, she loved him with all her heart. She had thought him dead for ten years, and now he was here, just a little ahead. And she was so incredibly sad that they wouldn't get to runite properly.

Would he hate her for what she had become these last ten years. Would he despise har for working for the King of Assassins, then the King of Adarlan. Celaena wasn't sure she wanted to find out the answer.

Even if Aedion spoke in a controlled manor, Celaena could see the pure temper running of him. It was in the way he walked, the way he stood, even the way he angled his head. Celaena knew that one wrong move and he'd explode, just like her. He was the other side of their golden coin, the second half of her soul.

The king picked up his goblet, swirling the wine inside. "I didn't receive word that your legion was here."

"They're not." Aedion said camly, like it was the most natural thing in the world. Crap. Celaena braced herself for the order to execute him, wondering if she should step in to stop it.

But the king only said, "I told you to bring them General." Celaena let out a breath of relief. Okay, he wouldn't die yet.

"They will be here within a month," Aedion drawled, and she almost shrieked at him to keep his voice respectful, but stopped herself. "I brought you a gift from the North, I think you will enjoy it." He winked. The king didn't looked pleased.

"Send it to my chambers," the King said to the servants. "Your gifts, Aedion, tend to offend fine company." Aedion snickered and Celaena bit her lip to keep from laughing. But then the King spoke again, and all desire to laugh washed out of Celaena.

"I have a council meeting tomorrow. I want you there."

"Your will is mine." Aedion answered, putting a hand on his heart. Celaena thought the King would dismiss him, and sighed. She had almost expected the King to bring her forward and introduce her to Aedion, and she was both relieved and a little disappointed that he hadn't. She had almost turned back to her stew when she heard the Kings voice. "Oh and before you go, General, I would like to introduce you to my champion." Celaena completely froze.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

Panic rose inside of her but she forced it down. Maybe he wouldn't recognize her, maybe he had forgotten her.

"Please Celaena, come up here." The Kings voice was soft. A trap, Celaena realized. This was a trap. If the King saw them together, he would know who she was. Everyone would. But you don't disobey direct orders from the King of Adarlan. So Celaena rose on, for the first time, unsteady feet, and began to walk toward the King and her cousin.

Time slowed down as she walked, one step seemed to take forever. She could see Aedion's head slowly turn to look at her. She locked eyes with him, and he went rigid. Crap, he recognized her. She could see it in his eyes. They were wide and glassy, like he was about to cry. She let him see all her emotions in her eyes in that moment, the sorrow, the pain, the love. And he returned those feelings, let her see everything.

Celaena reached where Aedion stood and ripped her gaze from her cousin to look at the King. She bowed and said "Majesty."

The King didn't seem to notice the similarities between the General and assassin, and Celaena was grateful for it.

"Aedion, this is Celaena Sardothien, my Champion. Celaena, this is General Aedion Ashryver," the King said camly. Ashryver. She hadn't heard that name in years. But she turned to Aedion, controlling her face and falling back into her mask of Celaena Sardothien. She gave her cousin a pretty smile that would have sent lesser males running, and stuck out her hand to him.

"Pleasure to meet you General," she said sweetly, tilting her head slightly to the side. But she knew he could see through her facade, knew that he could see the pleading. Please play along. He didn't miss a beat. He took her hand in one of his, calluses rasping the inside of her palm. But his arrogant smile didn't reach his eyes as he said "Oh I have been waiting to meet the famous Celaena." He knew then, what she had become. She searched his eyes for the shame, the hate, but found nothing but love and pain in them.

They shook hands for a bit longer than what would be seemed as casual, never breaking eye contact. Then they let go of each other and turned to the door at the same time. Celaena met Dorian's sapphire eyes and saw his jaw drop. He looked from her to Aedion and back again, and Celaena could see understanding dawn in his eyes as he looked her in the eyes and she nodded.


A/N: Hey guys! This is my first time writing a TOG fanfic, so please leave a comment and tell me what I could do better. I will take no offense.

I also want to tell you that English isn't my native language, so if I screw up the grammar or a word, thats why.

I will update as often as I can. Please continue to read and enjoy! :)

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