The Dragon kings

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  Before the reign of no scales, and the separation of dragons, there lived sun, and moon. They lived far apart from each other, not even knowing each other existed. That all changed one day, though, when sun fell asleep in the sky. Moon was going along with her job when she bumped into sun in the sky. 

  They fell in love at once, and soon moon gave birth to four boys. They decided to name them Naelon, Grael, Fafnir, and Sairyss. The four boys were then given the forms of dragons and allowed to live on the earth. 

  Naelon decided to live in the seas of skill, for he had no legs to walk the earth. Grael decided to live in the valley of hardiness to build and farm. Fafnir decided to live in the tall mountains of fierceness where he trained. Finally, Sairyss decided to live in the clouds of swiftness, for he had the largest wings of all of the brothers.

  Sun and moon circled the earth many times as they all lived in peace, not knowing that one of the dragons was plotting to take the others land until one day when Fafnir the farm or Grael, taking it for himself. Grael had to retreat to the seas of skill, taking refuge in the fort Naelon had made. In the mean time, Moon had seen everything that had gone on. She immediately informed Sairyss about his brother's wrong doings. The next day, Sairyss, Grael, and Naelon met with Sun to tell him what Fafnir had been doing. He was shocked and very angry with the rouge. He then angrily went to the valley where Grael's farm was and confronted the dragon.

"What are you doing in your fellow brother's valley?" Sun said.

"I am claiming what I believe is mine, and soon I will claim the seas of skill, and the clouds of swiftness." Fafnir said in return.

"But those places belong to your brothers." Sun protested.

"Why them? They did not earn them. If the they cannot defend themselves, they do not deserve such riches." Fafnir said indignantly.

"Fine." Said Sun, "you, and your brothers shall go through a trial to prove your worth. Who ever fails shall be banished to the tunnels of misfortune." Sun then returned to the three other brothers to bestow the news upon them.

"I have confronted Fafnir, and I have come to a decision. I have realized Moon and I have misjudged your abilities, and you need to be trialed. Gather at the top of the tallest mountain of fierceness for the trial." The sun said firmly, and so the brothers agreed. They trained in the clouds for through night as Fafnir did the same in the valley. The next day, the four brothers met at the top of the mountains where their father was waiting.

"There are three blessed items that I have hidden around the earth for all of you. Once you find one, you may claim your land back as well as have a blessing from me. If you do not find one of these items, you shall be banished to the tunnels of misfortune." Sun said to the four.

"How shall we know if we find one?" Naelon asked.

"All three artifacts glow a beautiful silver like moon and have the warm aura of me. It will be hard to miss one of them, but i shall still give you a hint of where they all are, starting with the first one. It lies in a cave of wondrous good and prosperities. Now, go my sons and bring me the first item if you can." Sun then rose away from the mountain peak to circle the earth. The four brothers split ways as they went to various caves of where they thought the artifact was. While the others foolishly went to the only cave they knew, the cave of gold, Naelon knew his father did not mean materialistic goods so he went to the cave of Wisdom in the sea he would reclaim. There in the undermine lied a glowing compass. Just as his father said, the compass glowed of moon and it's aura felt like Sun. He picked up the little object in his jaws and whirled away to his father.

When he got to his father, sun said, "Good job Naelon, this compass shall be known as the compass of wisdom, for you knew where to go from such a small hint. Let it guide you through tough decisions, and reclaim your land." Sun then handed the compass over to the water dragon. He the called out for the other sons. "Naelon has found the first item now so there are only two more. Now, the second item's hint. The second item is in the seed of a farm."

The three brothers headed off again, this time, Grael knew where to look. He ran down to his farm racing to the top of his wind dial. Usually, it would be a shabby black, but now, it glowed just as his father said. He also saw that there was a bulge at the base of it. He pried it open and saw the magnificence of a golden trowel. He picked it up in his hoof and flue up to his father.

"That is wonderful Grael," sun said to the second winner, "This trowel shall be known as the trowel of strength as you pried open your own, bare, strength." He then gave Grael the trowel and gathered the two brothers left. "Grael has won the second item, meaning that only one more of you two shall be given their land back." He said to the two, "The last item runs in the clouds."

Sairyss and Fafnir raced after each other, both knowing where the last of the items was, but Sairyss and his large wings were faster then the small wings of Fafnir. He dashed to the cloud oasis where a glowing pare of sandals that he grabbed and dashed back to his father.

"Sairyss, you have done perfectly," sun said, "these sandals shall be known yas the sandals of swiftness for your quickness with your big wings. As for you, Fafnir, you failed to win a trial. That means you are banished to the tunnels of misfortune where you shall rot and think before you act so selfishly. Fafnir wallowed his way to the tunnel entrance where his brothers were waiting, looks of grief in their eyes.

"Good bye my brothers," Fafnir snorted "but be warned this will not be the last you see of me. I shall come back one day and claim your land as my own." He said before speeding down the dark tunnel, his flaming mouth lighting his way.

The brothers sighed as sun picked up a ginormous boulder, that no dragon could move, and placed it on the entrance.

"My sons, take these blessings and use them wisely, and do not seek out like your brother." Sun said before circling away, finally letting their mother on earth.

And that is how the dragon kingdoms came to be before the rain of a queen that was the mother of all dragons but I've already done all of this and my hand hurts so I won't write that...


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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