games and shopping

857 8 4

Quick question:
Should I do lemons?
Quick announcement: I'm doing a lemon for the 5th chapter
Anyways back to the book

I wake up

And as always malo is glued to me and asleep I don't care really

I decide to not wake her up

Why does she have to be so warm?

I wait for about 20 minutes until malo wakes up

"Good morning *yawn*", malo says

"Good morning", I say

Malo drags herself to my psf (play station fourth due to copyright)

"I'm gonna be playing on your psf
Go do something else", malo says

I get on clothes after taking a shower

"Im heading to the store *kiss*", I say (i kissed malo, not the air)

And with that, I leave my small house lock the front door and get in my car to drive to Walmart

At Walmart

What should I get
I should get more milk and cereal

"Hey rikito!", Sarah says

"Oh hey!", I said

"I wanted to ask if you want to go out?", Sarah says

"I have a girlfriend", I say

"W-what?", she says while looking like she's on the verge of tears

"Are you ok?", I say

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry about it", she says while walking away

Jesus when I finally get a girlfriend and people start asking me out?

After a while I get my shopping done and drive home its only 7:54

Sorry this was a little short ran out of ideas

271 words including these words

Amber EyesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz