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Merikh watched from the distance as the young girl steadied herself in position. She gave a deep inhale as he pulled back the bowstring, stilling as she peered into the sights. With a low exhale she released the arrow, wincing as the shot travelled past the bullseye.

"Is that really the best you can do?" Merikh gritted with anger, stalking towards the girl. Seeing the inconsistent shots against the tree only fueled his anger further. He turned his attention back to the 12 year-old beside him, watching as she gulped with fear.

"I-I'm trying my best Alpha."

His brows raised incredously at Shyla's words, "This is your best? Really?"

The girl didn't answer, simply turning her head to the ground in shame.

"Answer me Shyla."

"I'll practice more. It won't happen again."

Merikh's face morphed into a sinister smile, "I don't believe you. I've let your insubordince go unpunished for too long."

Merikh watched as Shyla's face turned sheet white at his words,"Alpha, I-"

Merikh grabbed a fistfull of Shyla's hair, dragging her behind him as he made his way to the dungeons. He felt the girl thrash under his grip, her nails racking across his hands as a plea to let her go, "Please, no, I don't want to go there."

He only tugged Shyla's hair in response, throwing her at the foot of a cell.

Merikh smiled as he lashed the whip a few times in front of him. He watched as Shyla stilled from her postition on the ground as she saw the leather whip in his hands.

This would teach her what happens to incompetent members of his pack.

"Are you ready?"

"So what exactly did you hope to get out of kidnapping someone?"

Shyla groaned at her brother's constant questions, tearing her gaze away from where they tied the mystery man to a chair, "He was wearing Xzander's ring! How could he have gotten it?"

"Well you could've just asked him instead of bringing him into our home."

"Goddess! I tried that, he resisted my commands."

Mikhail frowned, pondering Shyla's statement, "Is that... possible?"

Shyla threw her hands up in frustration, "I don't know Mikhail, why else do you think I brought him here?"

A sudden cough tore Mikhail and Shyla away from their conversation. The two turned to face the man, watching as he desperately attempted to stifle his cough.

"We can hear you."

The man froze, pretending to be unconcious once more.

Shyla sighed, "Let's just get this over with," she walked over to the man, gently undoing his blindfold, "Who are you?"

The man frowned, "Jumping right into it are we?"

"Answer the question."

"Well Shyla, since I know your name, it's only fitting that I tell you mine. I am Adamos."

"How do you know that?"

"My name?" The man asked innocently, blinking up at her.

Shyla clenched her jaw in anger, "I see you are trying to avoid answering my questions," Shlya unsheated her dagger, making a show of tossing it up in the air, "Let me remind you that I hold your life in my hands."

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