Ch 1- A New Existence

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"Peter Pevensie", a voice called from behind my back. Lucy, Edmund, Peter and I turned around to find a girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. She had determined eyes and and a scar on one. She was dressed in a light armour and held a sword similar to Peter's in her right hand. A belt fitted around her slim waist, carrying bottles of labeled liquids and smokes. I could make out a face like Aslan's on the side of her bruised neck. I traced her bruises to white angelic wings and a neatly brushed hazel tail. I followed her narrow gaze towards Peter, who was standing firmly with a brow raised.
"How do you know my name?", Peter asked as he swiftly revealed his sharp sword from its cover.

"I know all of your names, Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter."
"I do come in peace. I mean no harm to you. I have been sent by Aslan. He says it is time for you all to learn your truth."

"How do we know we can trust you?", Edmund asked as he cocked his head to his side and placed his hand on his waist.

"This. This sword and this mark on my neck proves that I am sent by Aslan to you."
Lucy walked towards her and motioned for Peter to follow her. "I know we can trust her. I know when someone is lying about Aslan. And I know she isn't."
    "What is your name?", Peter asked her. The girl laid her hand on Lucy's shoulder and turned around after a moment of staring at Peter. She turned her head a bit towards us and said, "Follow me and I'll tell you everything."
"Wait!", Lucy smiled at her. "Can I climb on your back? And could you fly me to where you are leading us to?"
"Lucy, that's not what you should do-", I said to Lucy. "It is okay, Susan. I will carry her on my back.", replied the girl calmly.
It was long before we arrived at what I remember was Aslan's camp of the Narnians. The girl let out a long roar. It was similar to that of Aslan's, only a bit softer. A figure moved out of the orange tent. It was Aslan. Lucy got off the girls back and ran towards him. "Aslan, I missed you so much!", and they both fell to the ground, laughing. "It has only been a few days, my dear.", Aslan smiled.
While their moment lasted, the girl moved towards us and said,"My name is Emerald. Emerald Narlan."
Aslan walked down the stairs with Lucy by his side. "Peter, it is time you learnt about yourself and your past.", said Aslan as he made his way through the Narnians. Lucy quickly jumped by my side and we all bowed down at his greatness.
"What makes you bring us here, Aslan?", Peter asked. "Well my dear, there is a lot you dont know. I called you here to tell you all about your past."
"About our past?", I asked him as he turned his gaze towards me.
"Yes, my dear. I am your father and you aren't Susan Pevensie. You all are Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Narlan. Emerald, Emerald is my daughter and your sister. I cast a Narnian spell on you. It made you forget everything about here and that I was your father. It made you turn into your human forms."
"Wow. All this happened and you never told us. But why did you send us away? And why didn't you send Emerald away with us?" I asked in disbelief.
"My dear, it was warfare and you all were little cubs. Your mother, Hecate(Heh-cut-ee), passed away after fighting a great war against the traitors who were under The Shadow's control. Emerald lost her way and lost you cubs. She found her way to the camp and a few Narnians who were keeping a lookout for the camp took care of her. When I returned from victory, I found her with the beavers and wolves. I decided that she would be under my care and not with humans, or what the Narnians call, telmarines."
"Woah, so you're telling me that you're my father and I have a lion form and a human one too. And that I have another sister. This day couldn't get weirder.", Edmund said sarcastically and in shock too.
"Yes, yes, my dear Edmund a lioness gives birth to a litter, not a single cub."
Aslan then said as he walked up the stairs and towards his tent,"Get to know eachother better, and Emerald, show them how they turn yo their lion forms."

    We started walking up the hill, when Lucy cried out shouting, "Help! Peter! Susan! Edmund!"
   "What happened, Lucy?" I asked for I couldn't see anything wrong.
   "Look, these are rabbit children. They seem to be stuck in their rabbit hole. Could you please help me pull them out, Susan? "
   "Lucy, you have to understand, we don't have time for this."

    "Come on Susan. Start walking." Said Peter. I looked at the hole and then at Emerald who seemed to have cast some spell on the rabbits, for they were out and hopping. There was a residue, a trail that left around the small creatures as soon as I looked ahead. I ran up to Peter and asked him about the trail. He said Emerald did cast a spell after all, when I was lost in my own unknown thoughts. She'd also said something about us Pevensies having powers inherited from Aslan and Hecate. I felt a wierd rush at the back of my body. It felt like something wasn't right. Something was making me breath harder. I turned back to see a pack of wolves heading towards us. Before I could do something, anything at all, a wolf with a scar pounced on me. I covered my face with my hand in defense, and a glistening strange blue light appeared from my hand, forming what seemed like a shield around me. The wolf hung in the sky for seconds and then crashed onto the shield and fell. I might have felt a slight spark at the back of my neck, I might have made the slightest squeak. All turned toward me in confusion. They may have noticed the wolves behind me, so Peter and Edmund revealed their swords while Emerald moved calmly in my direction and placed a hand on my shoulder, our faces unable to meet. She walked in front of me and unexpectedly bowed.
   "Susan Narlan, sister of 4 Narlan prides, daughter of the crowns, spark  Aslan and miracle Hecate has gained her power of swifts and must be crowned, mark of swifts, falcon."
   "What do you mean? I thought I was already crowned Magnificent..."
     "It means you will be marked. Aslan will empower a mark on your face."
            ~•The End of Chapter 1•~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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