The secrets

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Yashiro POV
I woke up this morning to go to school only to hear my parents fighting again it the eight time this week why do dad have to be so abusive and why so mean to mom she only did that sort of job because otherwise we won't be able to pay rent and buy food for dad spends most of it on him self and refuses to help despite being a CEO of a big Company.
Mom work hard to get enough to send me to school and get food for us to eat and pay the bill not just for me and her also for dad it's annoying how dad always y'all at her and call her mean name will he him self is actually the the useless one she won't even have need to bring those men home if he actually helped us with the bills and food
Anyway I better hurry and get ready for school or else he'll start yelling at me too.
At school
"Yashiro are you ok you look a little down" Aoi asked
"I'm fine Aoi-Chan I just don't get enough sleep last night" I said not to worry her about my home life
As we talked I did not notice Akan-kun look suspiciously at us
Lunch time
I'm done eating my lunch Aoi had to do something so I'm left alone since I have some time lift I going to the music room to play some music on the piano
My favorite is older it reminds me of my home life and it makes me feel batter
Meanwhile somewhere else
Hanako POV
It's lunch time so yashiro should be free so I deicide to see yashiro since number 1 said something about her acting weird today so I'm checking up on her when suddenly I hear lovely piano music I follow it and found yashiro play a sad song I wonder why it's old
I wonder if I can get number 5 will let me read yashiro book
Will if he don't I could always steal it's 😝
Ring ring will got to go before yashiro catches me following her
Later that day
I scream out in astonishment
How come she never told us this is bad this is really bad
Why did she not tall be
I got to find some way to get her out of there first thing first I need to tall number 5 about this and get some one to cheek her living situation or else it could get worse
Then I need to make a plan with the kid we can not have yashiro go home to day with what I'm about to do if she gets home the we will likely have to say good bye too her
We can figure out the rest of the plan later

To be continued
suggested by @echoblackblood

What if story's  of toilet bound hanako Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin