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Our story continues with Ghosty, Pink and the robot who recived the shot. In the bar:

???: (trying to turn on the teleporter) it seems like we have a big problem.

Ghosty: Wait... WHAT?!

???: Is damage.

Ghosty: Soooo....  what now?

???: There is only one thing we can do, we have to teleport to another part of the planet. Call Pink.

After that Ghosty look Pink, and he find her looking a wall.

Ghosty: Pink... are you ok?

Pink: Well...

Ghosty: Come on, I'm your brother, you can tell me everything.

Pink: Do you think... this is a new war? And why that army attacked us? They killed the waiter and other people and creatures...

Ghosty: You are scared right? Me too. Wait, did you see how they killed the waiter?

Pink: Yes... (Hugs Ghosty) I'm scared brother.

Ghosty: Ey, you don't have to worry about, I'll protect you, you are my sister after all and I love you.

Pink: (joking) Owww, how cute brother.

Ghosty: Really? (Laughing) Are you serious?

Pink: (smiling) Maybe.

Ghosty: (Happy) Well I can see you are better.

Pink: Thank you brother.

Ghosty: Come on! We have to teleport.

Pink: (Laughing)

Ghosty: What?

Pink: That sentence sounds like a movie.

And then they go to the robot.

???: Well, are you ready.

The brothers: I think so.

???: (turn on the teleporter) So let's go.

In a room in the base of Vileye, we have a fusion of a spider and human who is playing with guns, he is called Arachnoph and in another part of the room we have a young demon with an angry face, he is called Demon.

Arachnoph: It seems like someone takes your mouth, you little "demon" (joking).

Demon: Shut up! You little spider sh*t.

Aracnoph: (Angry) Excuse me you little one.

Demon: (looking at him) So you didn't hear me uh? Well it seems you are deaf you piece of sh*t.

Aracnoph: (Relaxing) It seems like Vileye were mistaken when he chose you to be one of the four general of this empire.

Demon: (Angry) You are not the right person, animal or creature to tell me that, you idiot!

Aracnoph: (Joking) So what am I? A person, an animal or creature? You little "cute" one.

Demon: (More angry) I think you are NOTHING in this moment, you idiot and spider shit.

Aracnoph: (Angry) You...

In that moment Treye enter in the room.

Treye: Well, guys we have... (looking at Demon and Aracnoph) are you kidding me?
Are you fighting again?

Aracnoph: I...

Treye: (Interrupt him) Honestly I don't want to hear any excuse.

Demon: (Angry) Ok...

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