Chapter 2: dio gets dog

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One day Dio was sitting in a chair. Chilling while watching baby animal videos on YouTube.

"Awwww! Look at them they're so cute!"
Dio said squealing of cuteness.
Pucci then walked into the living room, and looked at the screen.

"Cute." He says
"But not at cute as you, pucci~~~"

Pucci is very flustered- he's blushing to much that he had to leave out of embarrassment.

[pucci POV]
Aaaaah!! He called cute!
I can't believe this, my husband just called 'cute' for the first time!!!!! Eee!! My hearts beating so fast like I just ran 3 miles.....! aa~ Dio.....

Since Dio just called me cute, and we just got married a month ago, I'm gonna get us a dog. But which dog... oh! I know! A Pomeranian! Dio always wanted a Pomeranian, because of all of those dog videos he watches. Perfect!

[end of POV]

Then he gets out of the room, got his keys and started walking out. Puccis near the door. "I'm gonna go buy some food, I'll be right back. Love you"

"Ok bye lol", said Dio.

Pucci goes straight to an animal shelter.
Then he walks in, and sees all different kind of dogs. "They all look so cute.. but I don't know if they have a Pomeranian....."
he starts walking towards the dogs, walking past all of them, looking for the dog he wants.

Then when focused looking for the dog he wants, he bumps into josuke and okuyasu. It seems that they want a dog too.

"Oh hey pucci." Josuke says, surprised that's he's there. "You're here to get a dog too?"
"Well yeah. It's for dio and I's 1 month anniversary. I'm getting him a Pomeranian."

"Wait what!? We want a Pomeranian too!"

"I'll find it first then." Pucci says.
Pucci is willing to get the dog Dio always wanted. He doesn't want to make him upset.

Then the 3 dudes went other ways, trying to find a Pomeranian.

Pucci is running, motivated to find that Pomeranian first.

Going through many aisles filled with different kind of dogs.

Soon after, pucci runs to a other aisle. While running, he saw a Pomeranian. It's was close, but He's not there yet.
Then quickly after, he sees okuyasu in the same aisle too.

"I'm getting that dog pucci!" He screams.

Okuyasu gets there first.

"I got him josuke!!!!"
He yells out.

[Puccis POV]

I fall in defeat of my knees. _:('ཀ'」 ∠):

He has the dog now... the precious Pomeranian.
I've lost to a kid.

Then I notice there's an empty dog cage, next to the Pomeranian's.
Then, a staff member comes and puts a dog there.


[30 minutes later, after signing papers and getting the dog]

I come back to my house.
I open the door, seeing Dio still in the living room.

"Dio~~~" I coo.

I close the door behind me.
And then show him the dog!

[3ed POV ]

In that day, Dio was very happy to see the dog they got.
The dogs name was za warudo, btw.


[i Hope you guys liked this chapter! This one took a while lol....  ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2020 ⏰

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